Make It Rain

864 13 16

The Saturday after a shocking RAW*

Money in the Bank weekend*

Tommy flew out of Atlanta with Bayley as soon as Friday night Smackdown cut the camera's. She wanted to go that night and get to their hotel early so they would have all of Saturday morning to themselves.

She wanted to have a day with him since they've been busy lately with everyone getting into their storylines, and some are on different brands.

Since he was mainly on RAW, she wasn't on TV that much for that show until lately, and when she is then it's hard for them to actually hang out. They'll be in talent relations meetings for tonights show, or rehearsing their promos.

The only time they'd have together would be whenever the tour was over and they were home, but that was only two days.

So she figured this could be something special.

Chicago, early morning*

Alarm at 08:30am*

Tommy was exhausted from the flight last night and couldn't fall asleep when his head hit the pillow. Bayley told him earlier that day before the show that they were going to tour around Chicago, he was excited but didn't know what they were doing.

Tommy wakes up*

His alarm was screaming in his ear and that quickly woke up the man living off of four hours of sleep, he opened his eyes ane closed them as the sunlight found a spot to peek it's way into his room.

Out of all places a beam of light hit him right in the face, forcing him to not be able to go back to sleep. So he threw off the covers, grabbed his nice clothes for today and headed into the shower.

While he was cleaning up and still waking up, Bayley was now freaking out a little.

In her room down the hall*

Sasha: Pam, you have to calm down.

Bayley: I can't, I'm nervous.

Sasha: Why? You and Tom have hung out before, you two have been dating for two months now.

Bayley: Almost three, but today is a full day just between us. Him and I, no one else.

Sasha: Don't you have a itinerary for you two?

Bayley: scrolls through her notes* I do.

Sasha: Ok then, just follow what you have planned. You two will be fine, trust me.

Bayley: I'll try, thank you for calming me down.

Sasha: Anything for my bestie. See you tomorrow morning for our workout?

Bayley: Of course. See you then!

She waved to her friend and hung up the facetime call as she took a deep breath while talking herself down.

Bayley: breathing* Calm down Pamela, this is just like any ordinary date at Tommy's.

Then her mind quickly spiked and changed.

Bayley: .. except this day is just between us. No one is here to third wheel or even double up.

She then felt her knees shake a little, it was now really starting to bother her since she has developed feelings for Tommy but doesn't know if he feels the same way.

After keeping her composure, she took another deep breath and slipped on her jacket.

One more deep breath and she walked out of her hotel room. As she was walking down the empty hallway, she reached Tommy's room and saw his door was propped open by the deadbolt.

In My Arms (Bayley × OC) Collaboration Story [DISCONTINUED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz