Group Competitions

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A month has passed since Wrestlemania*

Everyone in the company were sent overseas for two whole weeks. Tommy was getting his first hand experience on how WWE tour's around Europe and China.

First couple nights were amazing since he was almost in the same cities he wrestled in with New Japan, but the scheduling was starting to get to him quickly.

As soon as he would wake up his schedule would be a quick workout followed by a drowning amount of media. On top of that he would have to wrestle that night and travel to the next town, and he was starting to become physically exhausted.

With then Bayley wanting to take him to places with her as well filling the rest of his free time ment he was fully booked. He enjoyed the time they were having but he needed some space to relax and recover.

She understood and made some light plans with him everyday.

Now for her, she was still dominating being the Smackdown Women's Champion by battling it out with Lacey Evens every night. A interference would always result in her victory, but also ment her body was taking hits.

Charlotte would come out and back up her partner by flipping a table open and sending Bayley through it.

She would then lay there with her title in her arms until Sasha would come out.

Continuing with the overseas tour*

WWE has now brought Monday Night RAW and Friday Night Smackdown to London, England where almost everyone in Firing Squad were blindsided.

The company had pulled a fast one and had everyone putting their titles on the line for those two nights.

Donte and Alex had retained their tag team championships, Becky had retained her RAW Women's Championship and Anthony had stayed on top by keeping his Universal Championship.

Tommy and Bayley were notified that their titles would be on the line on Smackdown. It made sense for her to defend her championship on the right show, but Tommy was sceptical on what was happening.

He's never once had to go to the blue brand because he held the white and gold. Being the Intercontinental Champion ment he stayed on RAW, atleast until that Friday night.

When Smackdown first aired, Tommy and Sheamus kicked it off with an open challenge where he would go loosing his first title in the new company.

After the match they all figured out that WWE were switching the United States and International Championship. So now he was going back home to RAW with no gold.

Bayley on the other hand was more lucky than her boyfriend since she had retained her championship after another interference with Charlotte.

This would then push Lacey's storyline out while they would boost Charlotte back into the title picture.

More storylines would be slowly building as they go back home from the non stop long tour.

The next pay per view is Money in the Bank.

2 weeks until Money in the Bank*

Monday. New York*

Today was a huge relief since everyone was able to sleep in after their hectic week.

No media, no meetings. All Tommy had in mind was sleeping in.

10am alarm*

Tommy woke up and quickly sat on the side of his bed to completely wake up, if he stayed under the covers then it'd be bedtime.

In My Arms (Bayley × OC) Collaboration Story [DISCONTINUED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora