Seal Our Success

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Almost a week later*

Everyone has now made it to the "City of Angels" in time for the chaos that WWE was about to bring, Wrestlemania.

Los Angeles was starting to fill up quickly with wrestling fans from around the world for the biggest pay per view in the world.

This would be two out of the six in the groups first Wrestlemania. Tommy and Alex were keeping the mindset of this day being like any ordinary Wrestling Kingdom night, but they were about to get a big surprise.

WWE fans are way different than the wrestling fans over in Japan.

As the week went by, everyone involved in the top faction in the company Firing Squad; no one was near each other during the media week.

The company had everyone running around the huge city to promote the upcoming event.

Tommy was still trying to plan a dinner date for him and Bayley, but with both of their schedules filled it is pretty hard. But he was determined to do atleast something with her.

Sunday Morning*

Today was the day, time to lay it all on the line.


Tommy was already awake and wrapping his tie around his neck.

As he was doing that, he turned off the alarm clock and walked to the mirror to make sure it was straight.

Dark blue suit with a white and blue striped tie to match, today was a day to dress for impression.

After a while, he made his way downstairs with his bag to see everyone in his group up and ready.

The boys all got into a company car and were driven to the Los Angels Coliseum.

They're seating over seventy thousands people tonight and it was officially sold out.

He was comfortable about tonights big crowd, after all; most in the group have performed in front of over fifty five thousand at the Tokyo Dome.

20 minutes later*

Everyone was walking through the halls, trying to find their locker room and also Bayley and Sasha.

Tommy then got distracted and left his bag at the beginning of gorilla position.

Alex, Donte and Anthony then followed him out as they all met up outside on the stage to see the two hundred yard ramp that lead down to the ring.

Behind them was a huge titantron, built to show everyone who was coming out following their music.

The whole group was in awe as they've never seen a screen that big.

More and more people were walking out as Bayley was one of them.

She found Tommy quickly, walked over and gave him a hug.

Bayley: Mhh. So good to see you.

Tommy: Yeah, its been a solid five days.

Bayley: Busy busy. So how are you?

Tommy: Better now.

She smiled as he was still standing next to her.

Tommy: How are you doing? Haven't talked to you since breakfast on Tuesday?

Bayley: Much much better.

They then continued to look around to Anthony and Donte were gone, but Alex was standing with Lexi.

Bayley handed Lexi her phone as her and Tommy stood in front of the huge screen and took some photos together.

In My Arms (Bayley × OC) Collaboration Story [DISCONTINUED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt