They weren’t picky, so they chose the nearest diner with a reasonable wait time.  

“It’s quaint, isn’t it?” John commented, adjusting his hold on Willow’s hand.

She had to agree, though the washed out brick and large windows reminded her of The Ivory Cafe, the coffee shop she used to go to back at home.

“So, what are you planning to get?” Willow asked, attempting conversation. 

John shrugged. “I don’t know, probably something-” he was cut off by a handsome brown haired man running up to the two of them, shouting: “Doctor!” over and over again. 

Willow’s heartbeat quickened, quickly assuming the man was the enemy the Doctor had spoken of. She pulled on John’s arm, ready to bolt.

However, the man stopped in front of them with a big smile plastered on his face. 

“You have no clue of how good it is to see you!” he exclaimed, out of breath from running. “I’ve been waiting to talk to you for quite some time.”

The scene was attracting stares from passersby, making both John and Willow shrink backwards as if they could hide from this man. 

John’s eyebrows furrowed with confusion. “What?” he asked quietly.

The man scoffed, but his blue eyes still shined. “Don’t tell me this new regeneration forgot about me!”

His eyes traveled to Willow, and if it were possible, an even bigger grin replaced the last. 

“This must be your new companion!” he laughed jubilantly, reaching out and taking her free hand. “Captain Jack Harkness, nice to meet you.”

He laid a delicate kiss on her hand before winking. Willow’s mouth shaped into a little circle of surprise and flattery. 

“Oi!” John quickly snatched her hand from Jack’s.

He shook his head defensively. “What are you going on about? I’m sorry, sir, but I have no clue who the hell you are!”

John balled up his free hand with frustration. “If you don’t mind, we’d like to wait for our food in peace.”

The shine in Jack’s eyes faltered, and his lips pulled into a firm line. “Seriously? You don’t know me?” he asked, his tone dampened and defeated. His blue eyed gaze traveled to Willow, but John directed his eyes back to his own. “I-I’m sorry, I must have things wrong then.” 

Jack took a step back, looking at the two of them for a moment before turning around. 

“For god’s sake,” John muttered, mindlessly running his thumb across Willow’s knuckle and returning his thoughts to the line. 

She could tell he was extremely pissed, and for some reason, a bit flustered. It was like Jack had read him like a book. 

The more Willow thought about it, the more she regretted letting Jack go. He seemed like he knew the Doctor well, and could help her in getting him back. 

Willow looked up at John, then at the small figure in the distance that was Jack. 

“John,” she started. “Can you give me a moment, I’ve gotta go talk to… someone.”

“What, that Captain guy?” John asked with a small laugh. 

“Actually… yes,” she quickly said, turning on her heel and running after Jack. 

“Captain? Captain!” She shouted, bounding up to him. 

Jack turned around, his expression slightly shocked. “Yes, that’s me,” he replied.

A Man Named John Smith (10th Doctor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now