Chapter 4: It's Okay Chris

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A/N: I am so sorry for the long wait, I've been having trouble writing lately with everything that's been going on. That being said, here is chapter 4, enjoy!

Wyatt's POV:

He won't stop crying...

What could our family have done to him to make him break down like this? This is worse than the times that he watched our mother and aunts die. He cried but somehow this is just so much worse than those times.

"Chris..." I say as I continue to hold him as he completely breaks down in my arms. It's like his heart has been completely shattered and he's just now reacting to it. What triggered this? Was it something that I did? Something that I said?

Was it my anger? I've always strived to protect my baby brother but there have been times when my anger got the best of me. I hurt him so much. Maybe he's afraid I'll do it again? But there certainly has to be more for him to have a meltdown of this magnitude.

"Chris, it's alright. I'm not angry with you, I'm not gonna hurt you either," I say to try to help him calm down at least a little. It seems to be somewhat effective because he looks up at me through red swollen eyes. "I possibly made it so that I wouldn't be could you not be mad," he asks as he sniffles. He thinks it was his fault. Is that what they told him? "Why do you think it's your fault? Who told you that," I ask him but somehow, I have an idea of who said that to him and I'm not at all pleased.

"Mom," he answered as he continued to tremble in my arms. And there it is...that woman has some nerve!!!!! But I'd deal with that later, right now I have to somehow cheer my brother up and I think I know just what to do.

With no warning, I begin to tickle him in random places ranging from his side, to his waist, ending at his stomach. Finally, I got noises other than sobs and whimpers. Laughter fills the air as Chris finally stops sobbing and begins laughing as he tries to beg me to stop. After what felt like hours but was really minutes, I finally decided to show mercy and stopped tickling my little brother.

After a few moments Chris's laughter dies down and he sits still in my arms. "Wy, why did you come here," he asks after a moment. There is no malice or anger in his tone, only curiosity. "I felt your pain, the block that you put up must have lowered or was completely shattered when mom said what she said to you. I felt your pain and decided to come to see what was going on, see who dared hurt you," I say after a moment. I look down to find him looking at me tenderly as he listens to my reasoning. "Are you mad at me," he asks. To that I shake my head and pull him closer to me as I contemplate what to do next, I know he won't want to come back with me and I'm not leaving him here, not after what I just saw.

"Chris, I'm gonna stay here with you," I say. He looks at me in surprise. "What about your empire," he asks. "That isn't as important as you and it doesn't matter if you're determined to change the future anyway. If there was something that changed me and you stopped it then my empire wouldn't exist anyway. Besides, I refuse to leave you here with those idiots so that they can break your heart again!"

He seems to contemplate this and nods as he snuggles closer to me. "Why haven't you told them who you are," I ask finally. At this, his face saddens again. "I don't want to get close to them only to lose them if I can't change the future. I can't go through that again Wy," he says. I nod in understanding at his reasoning as I think about how he reacted to each of their deaths.

"It's gonna be alright Chris, we'll figure this out together."

A/N: Hey y'all! I hope you enjoyed chapter 4 and the brotherly moment between Wyatt and Chris. I'm again sorry about the long periods in between the updates. Anyway, I hope you all are staying safe in these unpredictable times and that you all are staying healthy. Chapter 5 will feature Wyatt meeting Leo and finding out that his father hasn't changed a bit in his treatment of Chris. Poor Chris is gonna have a long and hard journey ahead of him but at least he'll have the support of his big brother now!

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