Chapter 2: Hello Brother

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A/N: This is it! Here's chapter 2, enjoy!

"Piper! What are you going to do," Phoebe asks as she and Paige frantically follow their fuming sister through the house and up the stairs to the attic, "I'm gonna vanquish that lying son of a-" Her rant was interrupted by a portal opening up on the wall of the attic and a tall blond figure wearing all black, stepping out. 

"Who are you," asked Piper as she and her sisters get ready to fight. "Aww, you really don't recognize me mother," says Wyatt with mock sadness. Piper's eyes widen in surprise as she realizes who she's looking at. Behind her, Phoebe and Paige take in his appearance and start to realize that maybe Chris wasn't lying after all.

"Wyatt," Piper says as she takes in his appearance. He's so dark. "Where is Chris," asks Wyatt as he looks around for his brother. "Oh, that lying demonic so-called witchlighter. I kicked him out of here after he had the gall to say that you turn evil and dominate the world. Now I just need to figure out how to vanquish him," Piper says angrily as she continues to flip through the book of shadows.

"I'm sorry, you did what," asks Wyatt with a threatening tone. How could she do that? And vanquish him? No wonder Chris is in so much pain, what have these idiots done to him, Wyatt thinks angrily. "How could you say that? How could you do that?! As if the kid doesn't have enough emotional trauma, he has to deal with you all treating him as something worse than the source of evil," Wyatt screams at them.

"Why are you defending him? He said that you turned evil," says Piper with a look of disgust. Wyatt's face morphs into something dark and angry. "There is no such thing as good or evil, just power. I've told him that over a hundred times," says Wyatt. Piper, Phoebe, and Paige can't help but be taken aback as he says this. How could he think that? But their thoughts are interrupted as Wyatt starts to shout.


The room is instantly filled with blue orbs as Chris appears in front of Wyatt. His eyes widen as he takes in the sight before him. Suddenly, he's throwing himself at Wyatt as if his life depends on it. "Wy!" 

"Hello, Chris," says Wyatt with a knowing smirk.

A/N: Sorry for the long wait guys, but here it is, Chapter 2. Enter's Wyatt to save his brother from being vanquished by his oblivious mother. I'm having a little bit of writer's block so the next chapter might take a while but I will try to have it out soon.

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