Chapter 3: How Dare They?!

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A/N: Hey guys! I apologize for the long wait, with everything going on I haven't really gotten a chance to write. Anyway, here is chapter 3, enjoy!

Chris's POV:

I can't believe it, how did he get here? Why is he here?

"Excuse me but what is going on here?! I told you that I would blast you back to the future if you ever show your face here again! So just what the hell are you doing here," Piper screeched at me.

Wyatt's POV:

Did I just hear her correctly? Did she just threaten her own son? Did she really just threaten my brother?

"What did you just say," I ask while pulling Chris closer to me. "Did you just threaten him?!"

I could tell that she was taken aback by the way that I was talking to her but also by the way that I was holding Chris. I could also tell that Chris was frozen in place like a statue...when I looked at him I could see pure devastation on his face. Our mother sure had done some damage with her words. But our mom wouldn't threaten her children which means that she probably doesn't know that Chris is my brother.

I'm gonna have to talk to him about this. Our bond is still unblocked which means Chris can hear my thoughts and feel what I'm feeling. This is proven by the way he looks up at me.

That's when something catches my eye. Where is dad? "Where is dad," I ask them out loud as Chris freezes up more.

For the first time since I got here, one of my aunts speaks. "He's in elder land being an elder," says aunt Paige. What??!! Chris what did you do?!

I had to, the Titans were attacking when I got here, aunt Paige was a statue. They killed most of the elders and the others fled down here. They couldn't orb so Leo was the only one who could release those powers from the box. He saved them so they made him an elder. Mom got mad...caused mayhem which led to dad erasing her feelings of sadness. But I didn't know that and I let my anger get the best of me and sent him to Valkary island. They split up, I didn't mean for that to happen, I swear!

He told me in a panic. This in turn makes me panic because it all happened too soon and mom is clearly not pregnant. But as much as I want to be angry at Chris, I can't be it was our mother's choice to separate from dad and it wouldn't be fair to blame that on him. Although that seems to be exactly what mom is doing!

My thoughts are interrupted as I begin to hear Chris repeatedly mumble something as tears stream down his face. Focusing I'm horrified to find that he is apologizing! He's having a breakdown!

"We're leaving, don't bother calling for him. You don't have the right to call him for anything anymore," I say as I orb to the top of Golden Gate Bridge. I have to get some answers out of Chris but first, I need to calm him down. No matter what I say or do, he keeps flinching and crying.

What have they done to him? How dare they hurt him?!

A/N: So the chapter is a lot darker than I anticipated...but I hope you like it all the same. Once again, I am sorry for the long gaps in between chapters. Hopefully, chapter 4 won't be as dark and depressing as this one. But then it just might be worse, no promises!

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