Chapter 1: I'll be there soon

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait, but here it is! Chapter 1, enjoy!

Wyatt's POV:
It feels like an eternity since I last saw my little brother since I killed Bianca. That was a mistake and now, Chris will more than likely hate me but then why is he still trying to "save" me? He's still caught up in that good vs evil bull that our family taught us so long ago. Despite there being clear evidence that there is no good or evil, just power! Whoever has the most power can do anything they want, to anyone they want and get away with it.

Why can't Chris understand that I'm just trying to protect him from being hurt, from being completely destroyed!? Just as I think this, however, I feel unbearable pain, something that I haven't felt before. It takes me a moment to understand what's happening because I cannot be the one feeling this pain. But that could only mean one thing, the very thing that I was afraid would happen. This pain whether purely emotional or physical could only be coming from one person with whom I share a bond.

Chris! But how?  He blocked our bond when he left for the past so that I wouldn't know what he was doing, feeling, or thinking. Could this pain, whatever it is, really be so bad to make him lower the bond? Whether consciously or even unconsciously? Does it really matter? My little brother is hurt and I'm not there!

With this in mind, I summon my most trusted minion and give him instructions on what to do while I'm gone. Orbing to the attic of the manor, I quickly make my way over to the Book of Shadows and begin flipping through it for the spell that would take me to the past. Just then I remember Chris ripping the spell out of the book and going through the portal with it. Damn him and his quick thinking! No matter, I'll just use the one from the hologram of the book, with this in mind I rush downstairs to where the hologram is. 

Once I have the spell, I quickly memorize it before heading back upstairs with chalk to draw the portal. Once again cursing my brother's quick thinking and his ability to memorize the entire book, I draw the portal and begin reciting the spell.

I'm on my way brother

On top of the Golden Gate bridge, Chris sits there staring out at nothing as his mother's words echo in his mind, bringing tears to his eyes.

Chris' POV:
She kicked me out. She said she never wanted to see me again. That if she ever saw me again she would blow me back to where ever I came from.

She hates me...

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next chapter will feature the arrival of Wyatt in the year 2003 and his first interaction with not only Chris but the Charmed Ones after Piper kicked him out. I again apologize for the long wait

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