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A/N: In dedication to StarGirl246AA. I hope you enjoy it!!😀

It's a dark and quiet night interrupted only by heavy footfalls and the labored breaths of a man running from seemingly nothing. He runs and runs until he reaches the manor, the Halliwell Museum.

He rushes into the manor and upstairs to the attic where the famous book of shadows rests on its stand. He finds the spell he needs and begins drawing the symbol that would become the time portal.

The lightning strikes and then the man is met with a tall shadow and dangerous aura.

"Chris!" The man says. Chris turns around only to be faced with the tall shadowy figure of his older brother, Wyatt Halliwell, the present source of all evil and overprotective brother.

Saying the spell as quickly as possible, Chris makes his way to the portal while dodging Wyatt's attacks and attempts at getting him back to the "protective bubble" that Wyatt has created for him.

Entering the portal, leaving his dark, chaotic, and destroyed home in the year 2026, and makes his way to 2003 where his brother is still a toddler and has yet to be turned evil.

He could only hope that he could get the Charmed Ones to help him save Wyatt and the future without telling them who he was. It would be challenging but it shouldn't take too much persuasion to get them to help him.

If only he knew just how much it would take and how much he would be hurt in the process.

A/N: Apologies for the long wait but here it is! Hope you all enjoy it! The next chapter might take a while but hopefully, it won't take too long. Once again this is in dedication to StarGirl246AA, which is my very first request. The next chapter might start after Prince Charmed and will have Wyatt come in to comfort his emotionally injured brother.

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