Talk Too Much (cole x jay) (*smut*)

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"I'm just saying, I had it all under control!" Jay argues. "You know I could've handed it!"

"Just drop it Jay," Cole murmurs. The mission had been complete and they were already back at the bounty, resting. Or at least, Cole would be, but Jay was still talking.

"No! I won't drop this. You always do this Cole. You think you can just order me around, or do things your way. You never trust me enough to do things how I want to."

"If we did things the way you wanted, you'd be dead by now. I think that shows after today's mission." Cole continued to speak softly, not giving in to Jay's angered reaction like he obviously wanted him to. And that just pissed Jay off even more.

"I had it under control. You didn't even let me carry on with it! You didn't give me a chance to prove myself."

"Or give you the chance to kill yourself," Cole says, putting away his weapons. He tries to move towards his bed, but Jay blocks his path.

"Cole, I'm just as valuable of a ninja as any of the other guys, but I don't see you treat any of them like this. I feel like it's me specifically you have a problem with." He crosses his arms defiantly. "Is it? What's your problem with me? What is it about me that makes you want to act like such an asshole about it?"

"Jay," Cole tries, growing impatient.

Jay doesn't let him continue. "Is it because I'm small? You think that makes me weak? Or because I'm childish? Do you think I'm childish? Say something, goddammit!"

"You talk too much," Cole growls, making Jay's heart jump. But he smiles smugly right after.

"Why don't you shut me up then?" he challenges.

Jay yelps in surprise when his back suddenly comes in contact with a wall, the air knocked out of him instantly. He panics for a moment. Usually whenever Jay would purposely annoy Cole and try to argue with him, Cole would keep his cool and would never indulge Jay with a reaction, let alone a physical one.

Cole's powers made him much stronger than Jay, and he could seriously hurt him if he wanted. Jay never figured he'd ever lay a hand on him, yet here they were.

He waits for a blow to come, but it doesn't. Instead, a mouth connects with his, and suddenly, he's being kissed roughly by Cole. His eyes widen in surprise, but he doesn't react in any other way, and just lets it happen. Once the shock passes over, he realizes what's happening and pushes him away. "What the hell was that?" he asks, wiping away at his mouth.

"It shut you up, didn't it?" Cole snarks.

"I'll shut you up," he snapped back. He throws himself at Cole and tackles him onto the ground, crashing his lips against Cole's.

He's pinning him down with his entire body, which was unnecessary with how Cole had no intention of getting up. In fact, he takes a fistful of Jay's shirt in his hand and pulls him closer, allowing Jay to shove his tongue further down his mouth.

Jay was straddling his hips, and had grabbed a handful of Cole's hair, tugging harshly. He pulled his head back to better angle the kiss. A groan escapes Cole's mouth, the ruthlessness that Jay was displaying turned him on.

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