Chapter 2: Why don't we travel?

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*Patton POV*

"Good morning, Ro!" I say, seeing my boyfriend enter the main room.

I'm attempting to cook pancakes in a pan. I've never done it before, I've always used a griddle.

"'Morning," He yawns.

He trips over the corner of the couch.

"Oh no! The empire has fallen!" I joke as I help him up.

"Haha, Patton," He says, "I should give you a Pat on the back for that one,"

I giggle and he smiles. Once he's back on his feet I go back to the pancakes, which were a few seconds away from burning. I'm sure syrup and chocolate chips will fix it.

I look outside. My college is still here in the Midwest, just no longer in Wisconsin. So I'm still unsurprised when I see snow starting to fall outside the window. It's December and the last day of my first quarter. Roman's been mostly working and trying to get small gigs as an actor.

"It's almost your break, right?" Roman asks.

I nod. My winter break starts in a few days. I'm planning on taking an accelerated class during it.

"Well, I have work and classes soon, so I'll be on my way," I say, "Love you!"

I grab a pancake on my way out. It's a little overdone, but not bad for my first attempt.

I work at a retail store, where I don't make that great of money, but it's enough to cover my part of rent and food. Some parts of this job I hate, like right now, as I'm face to face with a Karen.

"Why can't you return this! Are you ****ing stupid?!" She shouts.

I have a way to mentally block any cursing, which has come in handy here.

"No ma'am. I cannot return this in the condition that it is in," I say, as politely as possible.

She might just be having a bad day, and I don't want to make it worse by being rude back. But the item she's trying to return, a sweater, is very frayed and has a large coffee stain on the front. I'm not allowed to let her return this or give her a refund, as she bought it two months ago, and damaged it.

"BUT I HAVE THE RECEIPT!!!!!" She shouts.

She shoves the receipt in my face.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. I can't return this, even with the receipt. It's been damaged," I say.

"Why do you think I want to return it?! Are you slow or just an idiot?! I. Want. To. Return. This," She says, slowly.

"As I've said before, ma'am, I cannot return this. It is against store policy," I say.

"Where is your manager? I'm going to have you fired for this! Don't you know who I am?!" She shouts.

I sigh and signal for a manager. I am too tired to deal with this right now, and I still have several classes to attend after this.


After my Karen fiasco, I clock out and get to my classes. I am definitely eating a cookie once I get home.

"Hi, Vinny!" I say, waving to the girl walking in. 

I met Vinny on my first day here. She's pretty nice and has a cat. I'm a little allergic to her as a result, but it's worth it. It's nice to have a friend on campus, especially because all my kiddos aren't here.

"Hey, Pat!" She says, sitting down next to me, "Have you heard about the travel program after the break?"

*Virgil POV*

"Virgil, sweetie, this is one of the best times of your life to go on a trip! Experience the world!" Mom says.

I'm on a call with her and Dad right now, and they're trying to convince me to take a trip somewhere. I don't want to. For one, I hate flying. Also, being in a foreign place scares me a bit. Like, being in a whole new state or country. That's terrifying. Any number of things could go wrong and I would be stuck there, very far away from home. 

"I don't want to!" I protest.

This has been going on for almost an hour. I'm not budging, but neither is my mom. My dad doesn't really care, he says to just 'do whatever as long as you pass your classes', which I'm following.

"Just one trip? It'll be fun, and you never do anything besides your schoolwork and internet stuff," Mom says.

I'm tired of arguing, and there's no way she's dropping this.

"Fine," I say.

"Great!" Mom says.

After a few more minutes of talking, we hang up. Looks like I'm going to be traveling. Great. At least I already have a bit of money saved up, so I won't be completely broke. 

*Roman POV*

I'm getting back from another day of filming, as I've been cast as a side/background character in a new movie. It's not much, but I'm at the start of my acting career!

When I get home from my side job, I browse through my email on my computer. I look at one from the studio. I had been friendly with a few of the people on set who talked with me, and through that, I'd been invited to have a side roll in a film in London!

I can't wait to tell Patton the news! Although that will mean leaving the apartment for several weeks while filming takes place. I look over the details. I'll be there for about two to three months, as they have a part of the movie set there, and another part here.

"Hello, my love," I say as Patton enters.

"Hi Ro!" He says cheerily, "Boy do I have a work story for you!"

"Oooh! What is it?" I ask.

Patton doesn't have the nicest customers at his job, but he always brushes it off and has great stories to tell. I always make sure what they say doesn't bother him, though, as I am prepared to fight off both physical and emotional threats.

He recounts a tale of a wild Karen, ferocious in her pursuit to return an item. I may embellish some of the details for him, but that's pretty much what happened.

"Now, I have news for you too," I say.

He looks up at me, his eyes full of curiosity and excitement.

"I have been invited to a movie set in London in three weeks," I say.

I was half-expecting him to droop and to try to talk me out of it, as that usually happens in the movies and stuff. But I am pleasantly surprised by Patton's reaction.

"Oh, Roman that's great! We can go together! I was thinking of joining the abroad program there!" Patton says.

We are both delighted at the prospect of going to London together, and start making our plans.

I'm currently rewatching AtLA so if updates are slow I'm sorry. I hope you enjoyed reading, and any thoughts, suggestions, theories, or feedback in the comments are welcome! Have an outstanding day/night you magnificent peep!

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