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(Six years after series, all are 25)

*Logan POV*

"Virgil, honey, where's the-" I start to say as I scour the cabinets.

Virgil hands me the jar of Crofters.

"Thank you," I say.

I spread some of the world's greatest jam on my toast as Virgil sips on his coffee.

"When are they arriving?" he asks.

"Roman and Patton should be here any minute now. And he's going to get here tonight," I say.

Virgil nods.

"Mk. Is the room set up?" he asks.

"They were yesterday, and the day before," I say, "And the day before that,"

He smiles.

"I know, but I'm still going to check," he says, standing up.

"Are you finishing your coffee?" I ask as he's about to leave the room.

"Uh, yeah. I'm running on this stuff by now," he says.

"I still think you shouldn't stay up so late doing commissions," I say.

"Well, you're adorable when you snore and I like the night, so I think I'll continue," Virgil says.

I shake my head as he goes down the hallway and to the guest rooms. We moved into a nice, one-story house after Virgil graduated two years ago. We're still relatively close to my college, as I still attend in person. Virgil moved to online a while back, which allowed him to move to California with me.

"Ok, you're right. Everything's ready," Virgil says, coming back into the kitchen.

"I told you," I say.

He snorts.

"Well, I'm going to go back to drawing. Tell me when they get here," he says.

I nod.

Virgil disappears into our room.

I open up my computer after I finish eating, and start on my work. I have just one more year left of college before I graduate. It's funny how it seems like only yesterday I was 17, in love with the boy in the back of the class. I still remember the first thing I said to him, 'It's a bad habit to listen to music during class. I suggest you take out your earbuds if you want to avoid detention'. The first time I spoke to my husband I was essentially scolding him.

I go over to the living room, where I pull out a scrapbook. I decided to make one a while back, and Patton made a similar one. Both our husbands think they're silly.

The book starts with my freshman year of high school, with my school photo. On the other side, there's Virgil. The pages are just us in our two separate groups and schools until it gets to the senior year section.

I brush my thumb over the selfie of Virgil kissing me on the cheek.

I snap the book shut as I hear the doorbell ring. I put it back on the bookshelf as I go to the door.

"Virgil, they're here!" I shout before opening the door.

"Hi, kiddo! Or I guess you'll be a daddo!" Patton says, hugging me as I let them in.

"Where's the emo?" Roman asks.

"Right hereeeee," Virgil says, sliding over to us, then slipping.

"You ok?" Patton asks.

"Yeah, I keep forgetting the floors are slippery," he says, "And I've been trying to convince Logan to let us get carpet instead because what if a kid slips, falls and hurts themselves? Or what if-"

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