Plan B, I Think

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     So that officer didn't help. Well that leaves us plan? Fantastic. We are gonna fail. End up in jail. Maybe some other place since I look Arab somehow. They might put me in a mental hospital because of my medical condition. Well if this plan fails I could die with it.

     "Stop." I turned to Rowshon, processing what she said. A car passed by us, full speed.

     "Oh, thanks." My response came five years late.

     A small, cherry red PT Cruiser pulled up in front of us.

     "What were you guys doing here?" My mom asked.

     Do we lie or tell her the truth? "We asked the officer something. He didn't help. Couldn't help her with her work."

     "Yeah, he didn't help. Would it be considered vandalism if it's you mom's house and you spray painting it at night? Would you get caught?"

     She could see through my lie bright as day. She's gonna make us confess. Darn it mom, why am I not able to lie to you? She knows me too well.

     "You are not going to paint anything in my house, most of all splatter paint. I still can't get it off the ceiling." I got it on the ceiling? It's acrylics not Valspar or Bare paint.

     "No me, mom. A story character of mine."


     Back at home in my PJ I try to think of a better plan. I'm okay with story ideas but suck chicken butt at these things, why? How are story ideas easier to come to me than escape plan and all that jazz? I must be this useless as a spy.

     "I got it!" Rowshon screamed in my ear causing me to scream and fall off my chair and plop down hard on my bottom and leg.

     "A little help here?" Really, just stand there and laugh at me when I popped my leg out of place.

     She helped me out by none. "Thanks for no help. Now what do you got?"

     "A plan."

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