Holy Sh*t

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That's just how I felt right now. I feel so bad now. Why? Well let me tell you what my mom told me.

"My cousin has a daughter that's getting married. Salma, remember her? She's seventeen, a little older that you, Rowshon."

Yeah, we all heard that.

"Oh my god. I heard about that at my friend's birthday party. A friend of hers told us. She can't get married! It's against the law! You have to be older than eighteen to get married!" Rowshon informed us.

"Her dad is selling her to a guy for money. The guy gets her and a free card to America. She doesn't really have a choose in this. We saw her two days ago, when we found out, and she said she was okay with it. We were all shocked. We don't know who this guy is or how old he is. All the card said was where and when."

"The girls at the party said her mom left them."

FYI, I'm just frozen to a spot. All I can do is just listen. Best Christmas gift ever.

"No, her mom was abused and left with her daughter. Salma's mom lost custody of her and her dad won it. He is just a greedy man who loves his money." Rowshon ran to our room to call her friend.

"Damn, I need a shower." Finally I can speak. And yes those are the only words I can say.


After my long shower I got out to find out more.

"Mom, the groom, uck, is twenty and he's related to the girl at the party. The one who told us this past week. I'm trying to get a pic of him for us to see." Damn, my sis can get info from everyone.

It's a hard knock life. Mostly for my cousin.

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