Final: part 2 (30)

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After the wedding ceremony it was time for the after party. Yoongi and Jimin rented a fancy restaurant which had a beautiful garden. There were white tables all over the place filled with different types of snacks and drinks. Jimin looked so happy allong with Yoongi.

I talked with a few people here and there but I also spend time all alone, just sitting by the table. Taehyung has been giving me flirty looks since the we've arrived here. It feels like the days when we've only started dating, he did that a lot back then. Now I don't know what has gotten into him.

Jimin appeared by my side and sat down right next to me. "Why are you here all alone Jungkookie" He asked sounding a bit concerned. "I am just admiring the place hyung, it's so beautiful, but you look the best out of everything and anyone." I said. "Now now Jungkookiee don't flirt with me, I just got married an hour ago" We both laughed. Of course I wasn't flirting with Jimin, but he really did look amazing.

Yoongi came and joined us a few minutes later. "What are you two babies talking about" I smiled at his statement. "Yoongi hyung when will you stop calling me a baby? I am a grown man and Jiminie on the other hand is your wife now." We continued to talk I was happy they took the time out of their own wedding to spend time with me so I would't be lonely. To be honest they sometimes make me feel like I really am a baby.. Even after Jimin had left, Yoongi still stayed with me until Taehyung came back.

For the main dish there were all sorts of foods to pick from and I got myself full to the brim

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For the main dish there were all sorts of foods to pick from and I got myself full to the brim. Only after I finnished my last plate I remembered that I should have left some space for cake. Taehyung sat beside me and was constantly putting more food on my plate, not understanding that I am full. Maybe he wants me to gain weight.

"Baby how about we sneak out of here after the cake" Tae whispered to me as I was stuffing my mouth with the chocolate muffin which was served on the table. "What are you talking about babe? We can't just disappear, this is out best friend's wedding afterall. They will notice if we leave." I put on a confused face, not knowing why he wants to leave all of a sudden.

"Ah come on, don't worry so much bunny. The party is almost over and I already mentioned to Yoongi that we might leave earlier." Yoongi however didn't say anything to me about this. "okay, but I won't leave unless you give me a good reason for it." I showed him my tongue and turned around, I didn't want to leave.

After that he didn't bug me for a while. I ended up eating some more and I even made some new friends. I saw Tae sitting alone in the corner staring into his wine glass, he looked a bit nervous. I decided to give in and leave the party together with him. "Okay we can leave if you want babe, you seem bored." He looked up to me and smilled "finally!!".

Taehyung grabbed my hand and we both walked up to Jimin and Yoongi. We explained that we will be leaving early and they didn't seem to mind. After that we walked out and straight to our car. "Are you ready baby bunny?" I looked at Tae confused "Ready for what exactly?"

"I want us to go back to that hill behind my house when we get back" Tae said. "What? Now? But I am kinda tired babe and it's already getting late.." Taehyung looked a bit disappointed when I said that so I quickly changed my mind "..but I guess we can go anyways." Tae gave me a quick kiss and we drove off to our house.

I took off my clothes and picked out some plain black shorts, pairing them with a simple white T-shirt. Taehyung prepared a little backpack and we soon left the house. We probablly looked kinda weird walking up the hill at 10:30 pm, but no one saw us anyways.

The night was quiet and the night sky was clear, just like the first time we went up there. The birds were still singing on the trees and a warm breeze was blowing every now and then. 

Tae and I didn't talk much on our way up, I felt like something was bothering him and I was getting a bit nerous. He has been acting weird the whole day. "Tae.. Are you okay?" I asked in a quiet tone. "huh? Yes I am fine Jungkook". That's when I knew something was wrong, Because he never calls me Jungkook!!! He always uses cute nicknames with me, he only calls me by my name if we are in a fight or something. 

I decided to stay quiet and continue walking. Soon we reached the top. I saw the view of the city again and I kinda missed it. I turned around and saw that Taehyung had already sat up a blanket on the floor for us to sit on. "Oh? I thought we were only going for a walk." I said. "not exactly.." Tae said and once again he looked nervous.

I walked to the blanket and pushed him down, then sat on his lap. "Tae please tell me what's wrong, I can see something is bothering you yet you are being suspiciously quiet about it and I am starting to panick and..-" He shut me up by kissing me deeply and I calmed down obviously. 

"Nothing is wrong okay? I promise you." Tae said reassuringly. I nooded my head and smiled at him. "Hey can you get me some water from my backpack" He said and pointed at the near by tree, under which he put his backpack. I got up from his lap and walked there. "Tae there is no water in here, are you sure you brought any?" I said and turned around. 

I saw Taehyung down on his one knee, holding a small box with a big diamond ring inside. My mouth fell open. I stood there for a good minute not moving an inch. Tears started to flow from my eyes..

"Jungkook... Will you marry me?"






"OF COURSE I WILLLL" I screamed and ran up to him pushing him down on the ground. He put the ring on my finger and we both hugged and continued crying. This right here is officially, the best night of my entire life.. so far.

Walking back to our house was a bit difficult with us being all over eachother. When we reached it we went to our room immediatelly and you know what happened next 😉

My life has had a lot of ups and downs so far. At an early age loosing my father, being alone constantly and having almost no friends as well as getting bullied.. But look at me now, I am one of the happiest people. I have learned to be the best version of myself and to not be afraid to show my weaknesses, beacause at the end of the day, people who truly love you, will always stay by your side.

~The end~

The story is finally finnished and I hope you enjoyed it. I know I had a lot of fun writing it😊💕

If you have any questions about anything feel free to ask.

Thank youuuuu, love youuuu💜💜

Thank youuuuu, love youuuu💜💜

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