Part 21

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A day had passed.
The younger was in his room, sitting on the bed and reading a book.

The conversation he had with the older a day ago kept replaying in his mind.
What happend was, they never finnished their talk.


"....Jennie is perfect for you hyung, compared to her i am noone.."
The older was just about to respond when suddenly Jungkooks phone went off. He wiped his tears and pulled the phone out of his pocked.

"jungookie hello, its mom. I just got back home where are you?"
"reallly?!? Mom I will be home soon, I can't wait to see you! Byee"

The short conversation over the phone brightened the youngers mood. He had his signature bunny smile on his face while pushing the phone back in his pocked. He turned his head and saw Taeyhung with watery eyes glued on the youngers face.

"Taetae.. I'm sorry but-
" its okay Kookie, you should go and see your mom I know how much you've missed her. " Taehyung put a smile on his face. " Come on, I'll give you a ride."

Jungkook contemplated for a little bit but then hopped of the bench they were sitting on and followed the older to his car.

The two boys didn't speak the whole ride. When they reached the youngers house they shared a sad smile. Jungkook got out of the car and ran inside his house, while Taehyung drove off into the night.

End of flashback

Jungkooks pov
Its been a day.. A day of not speaking to eachoter. I miss him, I miss my Taetae. Did I make a mistake? Jungkook thought to himself.

I decided to stop reading since I couldn't concentrate on the book. I thought back to yesterday when I came back home. Me and my mom had a lot of fun catching up. It was so great to see her again after sooo long. This has been the longest period of time we've ever been apart. We spent almost 3 hours talking and after that I went straight to bed since I was exhausted.

A soft knock on the door was heared in the room and a middle aged woman entered with a beautiful smile on her face. "Here Kookie I made you some fresh orange juice" she said and put the glass of juice on his bedside table. "You look sad my baby. What are you thinking about? You know you can tell me anything." my mom said with a reassuring smile on her face.

I stayed quiet for a while just thinking. Should I tell her about Tae? I mean I've mentioned him to her over the phone a couple of times but I've never actually told her that we are a couple. I made up my mind pretty quickly by looking at her. I know my mom would try to help me in any way she can, so I decided to tell her the truth.

About half an hour later I was done talking. I told her everything about how we met, how he's been making me super happy over the time she was away for work. I also told her about Jimin and Yoongi. The only thing I left out was the arranged marriage thingy. I mentioned Jennie and told her how she and Taehyung are good friends. I said that I am jelous over them, but then I told her what happened yesterday in the park and after that I couldn't read her expression well.

Maybe I was being stupid for throwing everything out at her just like that. From me comming out to her for being gay, to telling her that I've been in a relationship for months now and that I am completely in love with the guy..

After about 2 minutes of the awkward silence she finally spoke up. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ANY OF THIS?!" she screamed. I started to panick, a lot. Was she mad about me being gay? Is she going to disown me? Is she even going to speak to me again?... the questions in my head were endless..

"Yayy my baby is in love, you don't know how happy I am about that baby!" My eyes got teary at her words and I immediately gave her the biggest hug. "You are the best mom ever, I love you!" I whispered into her ear and she calmingly rubbed my back.

"Now now, don't be upset. And I would like to apologise for ruining the important talk you were having with Taehyung. I think you should call him over and discuss everything with him. Don't be afraid to let everything you're feeling out. What do you think Kookie?" I think she is right.. I have to make things clear with Tae, or else we will both suffer. I nooded at her and showed her my big bunny smile. "I am gonna go downstairs and make some pancakes." She got up and left the room while smiling.

After she closed the door I immediately got out of my bed and grabbed my phone which was charging. I unlocked it and scrolled through my contacts list. I found Taehyungs number and I remembered the time Taehyung left a note with his phone number on my bedside table. I smiled thinking about it. What would the present be like if I'd never find the courage to actually contact him. Would we find eachother anways?

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Taehyungs contact again. I got a bit nervous as to what I am even going to say. I dialed the number anyways thinking I'll just speak my mind. All I have to do is invite him over anyways, so there is no need to panic.

After only a few seconds of ringing he picked up.

"Jungkook?" He said in a bit of a suprised but excited tone.

"yea It's me.. Hi Taetae. I just called because I want us to finnish our talk.."

"Oh, so do I bunny.. do you want to meet up somewhere?"

"I was thinking you could come to my house. I kinda also want to introduce you to my mom..."

There was a bit of an awkward silence but then he finally responded. "Reeallyy? You really want that baby?"

"Yes i do.. I told her about you hh. So will you come?"

"Of course I will! I will be there soon. And Junkook?"


"I love you"

Guyss I can't believe this story has reached over 11k reads?! 😱💜✨
It's insaneee and I am so thankfull and happyyy❤️❤️❤️❤️

I hope you liked this chapter although there wasn't really any #Taekook scenes in it. I wanted to write a chapter about Jungkook and his mom since she is the most important person to him 😊

Next chapter tho will definitely have the couples scenes tho 😉

This quarantine is literally soo stressfull tho. School has been a pain in the a**.. I can't wait for this school year to enddd🙄

Sorry for this long ass monolog haha I will update as soon as I can 😁💜

And as alwayss let me know if you have any ideas, critiques, praises or anythingg else you would like to say about the story.

Alright bye now 😋❤️

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