Yumi Ishiyama Kadic Academy: Tenth-grade student

"Tovah?" I asked cracking the door a little, "are you in here?" I walked into the darkroom and heard an 'achoo!' I wandered to find the lamp and turned it on, "Tovah?" I asked. "Are you okay? You look awful," I said.
"Yumi..." she raised her eyebrows and looked at me. "Why are you in my room?" She asked. "You look woozy...quit swinging back and forth." She said grabbing my arm trying to steady me or something.
"Are you sick?" I asked.
"No are you?" She asked rolling over pulling her blanket over her shoulders.
"You need to go to the infirmary, I'll take you,"
"No! I'm fine," she said putting her head under her covers.
"Don't make me get Jeremy," I said putting my hands on my hips
She didn't say anything.
I went to Jeremy's room, he was just getting back from the pool, he was still in his swimsuit. "Yumi! What do you need? I just got back from the pool,"
"Your cousin is refusing to go to the infirmary but she's sick," I said crossing my arms. "Can you come to help me make her go to the infirmary?"
"I'm sure she's fine," he pulled on a sweatshirt and followed me down the hall.
"T can we come in?" I asked. I opened the door after no response and Jeremy followed after me, "oh geez," Jeremy said. "You look awful," he said.
"Thanks, Aelita," she said.
"It's Jeremy," he said.
"No!" She said shaking her head. "What do you mean..."
"Let's get up," Jeremy said sitting rag doll Tovah up.
"Where are we going?" She asked.
"Um...it's a surprise," he said.
"Oh, I like surprises!"
We took her to the infirmary and Yolanda helped her into a cot.
"You're burning up," she said resting her hand on her forehead.
I looked at Jeremy and we went up to his room.
Beep beep beep.
"Oh I can't believe it a XANA alert, go get Odd and Ulrich, I'll get Aelita," Jeremy said before we split up.

Jeremy Belpois Kadic Academy: Ninth grade student

"Achoo..." Aelita sniffled.
"Bless you," I said as I walked up to her, "are you okay? You look a bit pale," she shook her head.
"Just feeling a little weak I suppose. What's up?" She asked.
"XANA alert. Come on let's head for the factory," we then started running towards the factory, but the whole school seemed empty. I wonder why.

Odd Della Robbia Kadic Academy: Ninth Grade Student

I sat with Kiwi on my bed watching as Ulrich was on the other side of the room kicking his covers off complaining about how hot it was.
"What're you doing here Yumi?" Ulrich asked as he fanned himself with his hand. I heard a knock at the door and weakly said "come in..." Yumi walked in and looked at us.
"What's wrong with you guys?"
"Close the door! You're letting cold air in." I hissed.
"Oh no! Are you guys sick too?" She asked.
"No, just Ulrich. But he refuses to go to the infirmary,"
"No, I'm fine-" Ulrich said trying to stand up but toppling over onto the ground. "This is just great, first Z gets the flu, and now you guys?" Yumi's phone buzzes and she answers "hello? Aelita has it too? It's spreading like wildfire...I'll get everyone to the factory. We'll need the cavalry," she looked at us and tapped her chin. "Just...how do I get you all there? We need to get Ulrich and Tovah to the lab," Yumi thought out loud. "Yolanda is never going to let T out of her sight,"
"I think I can get her out of there," I said "you take Ulrich and I'll go get miss sicky,"

I took kiwi and went to the infirmary, I opened the door and let Kiwi in. Yolanda started chasing after him saying "not a dog in my ward!" Then as she was preoccupied I went to T, "Hey Spacegirl, we need you on Lyoko,"
"You need me?" She asked sweetly.
"Yes, so we have to go now!"
I grabbed her hand and we slipped out of there, she was a bit out of it as we made our escape, but she had the spirit of it. We made it to the factory and Jeremy looked at us rolling his eyes "just in time, go down to the scanners,"

We got to Lyoko and Aelita and Ulrich were particularly sluggish.
We were in the desert sector, we had to go to the east to find the activated tower.
"I didn't know I could feel tired on Lyoko," T said. I looked over at her and noticed that she was holding her blaster backward, "you might want to turn your blaster around so you don't shoot yourself," I suggested.
"Hm? Oh!" She turned it around just in time to shoot a block, only missing a little. "Zero-gravity!" She called activating her zero-gravity so she could jump over the block. She then tumbled and hit the ground hard. "I'm okay!" She yelled.
Aelita just stood there staring into space, Yumi grabbed her by the shoulders pulling her away from a laser.
Ulrich swung wildly at a block until he hit it. This was going to be a long battle.
"Yumi! Why did we bring them?" I asked.
"Power in numbers?" She said tossing her fan, she ran and picked up Tovah off the ground. "You gotta stand up T," she said. "Aelita! Okay, Tovah...support yourself, I have to go," she ran grabbing Aelita as she sat on the ground taking a break.
"Do you think this is the XANA attack, Jeremy? Giving everyone the flu? That was a pretty lame attack," I said going to help Ulrich as he was being shot at.
"Well it seems to be working," Jeremy said. "I'll program some vehicles for you guys, coming right up,"
We hopped on our vehicles with the others lingering behind.
"Tovah, hold on...you're gonna fall off," I said as she almost fell off. A tarantula came at us and I shot a laser arrow at it but was hit, Tovah shot a blast at them. She surprisingly hit it.
"Good shot," Yumi said.
We made it to the tower and we got Aelita in and she eventually deactivated the tower.
"Return to the past,"

Ulrich Stern Kadic Academy: Ninth Grade student
After the return to the past, we sat in Aelita's room all of us were still "I'm still sick..." Aelita said. "I thought that XANA's attack was making us have the flu..." she said pulling her blanket tightly around her shoulders.
"Shhh, my head is pounding," Tovah said. "I think I'm dying,"
"You're so dramatic," Yumi said laying a wet towel on Tov's forehead. "Do you guys need anything else?" She asked.
I sat on the ground with a cup of water, I sipped it slowly calming my throat, I looked over at T who was most likely still upset with me. But I was still wondering what I would do about the whole dating Sissi thing. I still really liked Tovah, but I was getting the idea that Odd liked her too, which was causing tension between us. But then again, I still liked Yumi too. Things were too complicated for me.
Jeremy came into the room and handed us all little bowls of soup.
"Here you go," he said sitting down on the bed. "Well, what do you think XANA's attack was?" He asked.
"Maybe he didn't have time to launch an attack," Odd said.
"Who knows," Jeremy said.
"Hopefully it was just the activated tower," Yumi said. "I'm gonna head home.

William Dunbar Kadic Academy: Tenth Grade student

"Hey Yumi," I smiled. "I've been waiting for you, you know you come home late," I shrugged. "Where were you?" I asked.
"My friends are sick, so I was taking care of them,"
"How sweet, you're so nice and caring," I said taking Yumi's hand. "I wanted to give you a Goodnight kiss," I said leaning in and kissing her gently. She smiled and kissed me back.
"Goodnight," she said softly. "I hope you're ready for the dance." She said before going inside. I didn't expect it.

Tovah Pressman Kadic Academy: Ninth Grade student

"I can't believe I don't have a date for the dance..." I smiled as Aelita and I got ready for bed. We laid in bed in the dark I had kicked my covers off since I was really hot, but Aelita had my blankets since she was really cold.
"You can go with Jeremy and me..." she said softly.
"That's so sad, I'm going with my cousin and his almost girlfriend,"
"It's not that sad," she said, "go to bed, we're sick and need to sleep. I love you," she laughed.
"You love me, Aelita?" I giggled.
"Yes," she said laughed. "You're my roommate, everyone should love their roommates,"
"I love you too then,"

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