Chapter 31: All-New Dove Rose

Start from the beginning

I scarcely asked, "I don't understand. What do you want from me, miss?".

She picked me up by my shirt and said, "Your life, girl." and I got free of her grasp and ran away.

I kept running but all she did was slowly float after me.

I stopped in the middle of traffic because she was gonna drop a military truck on me.

She threw it and I shielded my eyes.

The truck didn't hit me and when I opened my eyes, I saw the Fiery Maiden who stopped the truck.

She set the truck down and stood on top of it.

She turned to me and said, "Stay here, kid, I've got this.".

Ember Fall's POV*

I saved the little girl from death and looked forward to the bitch who tried to kill her.

She was a bit dark-skinned, black-haired, and silver eyes.

She wore a black dress with a white lightning bolt symbol on the chest.

She asked, "Do you fight for Ozma?".

I said, "I fight self-entitled bitches who think they're powerful enough to stand above humanity.".

She smirked and flew at me with such blinding speeds that she tackled me into a building and I grabbed her and smashed her into the same building and she then hit the ground.

I floated in front of her and she looked up and blasted me with lightning sending me into a building while she flew off after the kid.

I hit the ground and I said, "Divine Magic, huh. I think Ein's gonna sue.".

I then flew off.

Dove Rose's POV*

The evil woman chased after me again and the Fiery Maiden got to me before she could.

I asked, "Why is she after me?".

The Fiery Maiden said, "I was gonna ask you the same question, kid.".

Ember Fall's POV*

I was hit in the back by her Divine Magic and when she kept blasting me with it I kept a hand forward keeping the power away from the kid.

A shockwave went off pushing each of us away from one another.

I set the kid down and went up to confront the woman.

We met face to face and she said, "Indeed, you are my physical match. But I sense one critical difference: a vulnerability to Divine Magic." and she hurled Divine Magic lightning bolts at me.

I took the hits and hit her back with a beam of white fire.

I said, "Another difference: Technological Magical Superiority." and I flew forward punching her into an abandoned building nearby and it collapsed on top of her.

I hit the ground, my armor weakened by her Divine Magic.

The kid came over and said, "You did it.".

I turned to her and said, "Go kid.".

She said, "But you beat her. It's over.".

I looked and saw the woman lifting the building up.

I said, "Oh shit." and the kid ran off ran as the woman hit me with a building.

Dove Rose's POV*

I ran to the subway system where the old man I helped earlier was.

I ran down to the subway and hopped in and it took off.

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