Chapter 8

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"Psst." Adel whispered into the dimly lit room. "Yes?" Kyung answered her while looking up from his phone screen.
"What are you up to?" She asked, before closing the door, and standing at the end of his bed, with one of her hands behind her back, and the other on her hip.

She wore only a long t-shirt, and seamless panties that dared to peek through if she lifted her arms high enough.  "Nothing. What's behind your back?" He asked with a smile on his lips, and she pulled out the bottle of cheap Tequila, making him laugh before patting the space next to him in his bed.

With a smile, she crawled into bed with him and they both sat next to each other with their backs against the propped up pillows. "It's so late, but I'm not even tired." She whispered softly while unscrewing the bottle, and taking a sip from it, before handing it off to Kyung. "Yeah, me too."

He said before taking a swig from the bottle, "I was very drunk, but I threw up and drank some water, and now I'm okay." He nodded, "Throwing up always does the trick." She nodded in agreement, before he continued to drink from the bottle.

"We should go for a night swim."
She suggested while climbing out of his bed, "Are you sober enough for that?" She nodded her head quickly, "Yes, I promise." He laughed a little, "Okay, let's go. I'll come get you after I change, okay?"

With that, she was off to her room to change, while Kyung watched her walk away with a smile on his face. Sighing deeply, he told himself to calm down as soon as he felt the butterflies in his stomach.

Just like before, her presence made him nervous, and he hadn't felt that way about anyone in a very long time. The butterflies she gave him, combined with how beautiful she was made her irresistible, and he was convinced that she knew it, as he knocked on her door after putting on swim trunks.

The opened door revealed her in an olive green bikini, with a smile on her face.
"I'm so excited." She whispered, before grabbing her tote bag, and leading the way out of the room.

As she wandered down the steps, and through the hall that led to outside, Kyung tried to stop himself from getting an erection as his eyes wandered to her ample backside. It jiggled with every movement she made, and it made him think of their Thursday night together.
"Adel?" He said getting her attention,
"Yes, Ky?"

When she looked him in his eyes, his mouth went dry, and for a moment he forgot what he wanted to say. "Kyung?" She repeated with a smile, while taking a step closer to him.
"I'm just gonna play some music, any suggestions?" He asked, while walking past her, and toward the stereo system. "I trust your taste."

She sat on the edge of the pool, with her feet dangling in the pool, while pulling her long hair up into a bun on the top of her head. The cold water and the water from her water bottle made her start to sober up, and even then she knew exactly what she wanted.

"It's so nice out tonight." Adel said, as Kyung sat next to her on the edge of the pool. Their outer thighs pressed against each other's, just like before as Drake played from the speakers around the pool.

"What are you guys plans for the weekend?" He asked, avoiding her gaze as she answered his question, "Honestly? Not much, Bhavya is coming into town, and Brenda is already making plans to see JB, so here I am."

Kyung chuckled, "Well if I could stay, you and I would find something fun to do." She smiled while bringing her hand to his face, and turning his head gently. "What you're doing sounds like an incredible opportunity though, I'm sure you'll have more fun in DC."

He smiled, while placing his hand on her exposed thigh. "Aren't we supposed to be swimming?" She giggled, "We are, aren't we?" With that, he jumped into the pool, before coming up for air in front of her legs.

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