Chapter 5

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"H-hey, Adel? So crazy that you live here.
No that's so stupid." Devin said quietly to himself as he paced outside of her dorm room door, trying to figure out what he was going to say to her once she answered her door.

It had been almost two weeks since they had spoke, and he just wanted to apologize. So, there he was, reciting what he had practiced with his sister, and nervously lifting his arm to knock on the door.

"Hey, Adel, I just wanted to say he-"
"Oh hey, Devin." He heard someone say, making him turn around. A bright red blush came to his face, and he awkwardly avoided eye contact with her.

"H-hey, Adel. I thought you were in your room." She smiled, noticing that he had become flustered by seeing her.

"No, my roommate is, I was just coming back from the gym. Did you need something?" He shook his head while fumbling over his words, "N-no, well kinda? Can we talk?"

Though she was far from being in the mood to hear his apologies, like she knew she would have to if she agreed, she nodded. "Yeah, I'm just gonna drop this off in my room." He nodded while moving out of her way, "Great, I'll be here."

When she opened her door, and let it close behind her Jane looked over her shoulder at her. "Finally, you're back. That Devin guy wouldn't shut up."

Adel laughed while sliding her gym back underneath her bed. "Did he knock?"
Jane shook her head while typing away on her keyboard, "No, he just kept walking back and forth and practicing what he was going to say."

Her bottom lip pouted as she put on lipgloss, "Aw, that's kinda cute."
"I was thinking more along the lines of pathetic, but sure if that's what you want to call it."

"Well he wants to talk to me, so I'll see you later? Dining hall at six?" Jane nodded, "Okay, text me if you need an excuse to dip." She laughed while grabbing her keys, "I will."

Walking out the door, she smiled at Devin. "Let's go downstairs? I'm gonna need coffee to get through writing my essay." He smiled, "Sure."

  "What's your major anyways?"
"Biology, you?" She was surprised he said that as she answered, "Foreign policy and International studies. You don't seem like a Bio major." He laughed a little, while he let her walk out before him on the elevator.

"Yeah, I've heard that I look more like a Business major." A cute giggle left her lips as she threw on her sunglasses, "Definitely. That's cool though, I hear it's a lot of work. Do you plan on being a doctor?"

Holding the door open for her, she thanked him before he responded,
"Of course, and yeah right now I'm leaning more towards being an anesthesiologist. How about you? Are you thinking of going into the political realm?"

  She smiled, and told him the lie that she told everyone who asked her that, "Yeah, hopefully work for the White House eventually." Though it was a great goal to have, she was far from knowing what she wanted to do in life. She picked her major off of a whim, and was starting to hate it everyday she had to walk into class.

But she couldn't tell anyone that without feeling like a complete failure, even though it was completely normal for her to feel that way. "I could see it." Adel offered him a smile as they walked up to the coffee stand outside of her residence hall.

"Hello, could I get a medium Black coffee, and whatever she's getting." Devin started, "A medium vanilla iced coffee please." The barista nodded, while typing in her order, "Thank you, Devin."
He flashed her his amazing smile, "It's no problem."

In less than ten minutes they sat down on a warm concrete bench, enjoying their coffee, and talking about what he wanted to talk to her about. "I know I apologized before, but after talking to my sister about the entire thing, I realized that you deserve a better apology."

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