Before I can respond to Anna and express my insecurities, the student body falls silent and the curtains covering the stage slip open elegantly, revealing the first act of the afternoon.

Anna takes one look at the group of computer nerds gathered around some instruments and rolls her eyes dramatically, letting out a loud groan. "God, this is going to be a long day," she huffs, sliding back into her seat and chomping into another Twizzler.

The first two acts of the show are mediocre at best — Tommy Warren singing a deafening rendition of Wonderwall to his long-term girlfriend Stacey, and a group of freshmen dancing to Nicki Minaj's Super Bass (which I certainly expected from an elementary school talent show, but not a high school Battle of the Bands). So, I am more delighted than usual when the band are finally called on stage, despite knowing that this means my performance slot is soon.

"Hey," Luke mumbles awkwardly into the microphone as the other boys scramble to set up their instruments. Calum attempts to loop a long cord over Luke, but instead catches him almost around the neck, and the crowd erupts in laughter. A pink blush heats Luke's cheeks, and I almost feel bad for his embarrassment — not only is he unfavourable in the eyes of our friends, he is also not currently the school's shining star due to his performance in the courtyard a few weeks ago. "We're... um... Luke, Calum, Ashton and Michael," he introduces awkwardly, pointing to each of the boys as if we don't all go to school with them. "We'll be singing a few songs for you today."

From behind his drum kit, Ashton impatiently leans forward and yells into the microphone, "This is Teenage Dream!" Luke flashes him a small glare, but Ash ignores this. "Sing along if you know it."

After this cover, which successfully gets the entire room singing and dancing along and welcoming the conclusion of the song with a hearty round of applause, Michael steps forward to introduce their next number.

"This is an original song," he makes direct eye contact with me and my heart stops. "Well, not our original song, but we're introducing it to the world."

I grip Anna's arm, my breath completely leaving my body as Luke begins strumming an acoustic guitar now to a very familiar tune — the tune to my song.

"That's my song!" I gasp, squeezing Anna's forearm so tight I'm surprised she doesn't complain.

"What?" Anna shakes her head, frowning at me in confusion.

"They're singing my song!" I repeat, earning some shushes from the crowd. "Calum must have stolen my notebook."

"What? Rory—" Anna begins again, still confused, but when I see Luke approach the microphone I squeeze her arm hard again.

"Shhh!" I order her right before he begins singing — I want to hear this. I want to hear every word.

"Put a price on emotion," Luke's sweet, silky, annoyingly beautiful voice sails through the microphone and out the speakers, filling the room and my whole heart with the happiest feeling I can imagine. He is singing my song. "I'm lookin' for something to buy.

"You've got my devotion,
But, man, I can hate you sometimes.
I don't want to fight you,
And I don't want to sleep in the dirt.
We'll get the drinks in,
So I'll get to thinkin' of her.

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