Millie sighed, exhausted from the conversation already. All they ever wanted to do was talk about other people. And not in any means of praise. Almost always as if they were trying to degrade the people around them.

She knew the main reason they stuck around her was because of her money, anyway. Her parents money. Because of the status of power she held with the amount of money her parents could flaunt around.

It wasn't always that way. The Brown family was not always the wealthiest. They had always been one of the wealthiest, but there was usually somebody just barely above them. She could remember that clearly because her mother had an issue with the wealthiest neighborhood trophy wife and would always blabber on about it.

Now, however, she had to deal with the title that came along from having the most money. Her best friends had only become more exhausting along the way.

They were all she had, though. For the longest time it had been them three together. Millie wouldn't be able to just drop them altogether because then she would be entirely alone.

And to be entirely alone was something she did not want to deal with. Despite the fact she often felt so lonely, these two helped to make that gap feel less vacant. Along with a variety of other excitements and thrills that helped fill in the empty space inside her.

It was all she really needed. Less emptiness.

Right now, the gaping hole she felt within her was quite prominent with these two talking and she needed a small distraction to go on.

"I have to go pee," she stated, quickly sliding off the bed.

Maddie hummed. "Okay. When you get back we should pick a movie to watch. Your turn to pick."

As she shut the bathroom door behind her, she replied, "Sure, sure, just give me a few minutes."

Once ensuring the lock had been turned on the doorknob, she released a deep breath. She swiftly took the towel off her hair, shaking her shoulder length hair as she glanced towards the mirror.

She looked rejuvenated. Her skin was freshly hydrated, completely clean of any dirt within her pores. The natural rosy tint upon her olive tone skin helping to make her look quite alive. But one look in her eyes and she could see quite the opposite.

Hesitantly biting her lip, her gaze drifted down towards where her small stash was hidden beneath the bathroom sink. A tiny bit was all she needed to get through the rest of that evening. She wasted no time in bending down and reaching her hand into the cabinet, her fingers already searching for the familiar feel of plastic.

• — : — •

And somewhere further down the neighborhood, Finn was lazily lounging along one of Caleb's cushioned chairs within the gaming room down the hall from his bedroom. He had yet to return home, having spent his previous time crashing in Caleb's bedroom. His dad was going to be pissed for sure, but it wasn't like Finn hadn't been texting his mom at least once every few hours to keep her updated and get his dad off his back.

Besides, it felt a hell of a lot better being in Caleb's presence either way since he felt like a brother to him. He was the realest family he had around here lately.

In the middle of some combat video game, the two were busy discussing Caleb's latest wonders of how to win over Sadie's affection and the possible obstacles that were standing in his way.

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