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{Regina's POV}

I can hear Gold talk through the phone, but I'm not listening. All I can think is here we go again. Not even a week had gone by in peace and we have learned that the Wicked Witch of the West is back once again. She was tough enough to beat the first round; I can't imagine the next. If that didn't end her for good then I don't know what will.

"Regina are you there?" Gold asks though the phone.

I stand up from my chair in the park and answer, "Yes Gold. I'm still here."

"Ok now I need you to answer this question for me as explicit detail as you can," he says slowly, trying to get me to fully comprehend.

"Just ask already."

"How did you defeat Zelena the first time?"

How did I defeat Zelena the first time? It didn't even happen a week ago. he was there. What is it with all these crazy questions?

"Gold you already know the answer to that question as well as all the other crazy questions you have asked me," I say aggravated by the way everyone is acting around me. They haven't acted this way around me since, well ever.

"Regina please just answer the question," Gold pleas through the phone. He knows the answer! Why does he keep asking?

"Ok that's easy. Um it was after Mary Margaret gave birth to baby Neal. Zelena took him and we went after her. She was endangering the life of Henry so I was ready to blast her with magic. Before I could do anything she let go of Henry and started to choke me. She was saying things and I felt something different in me. It was like something running through my body and before I knew it, I was looking at light coming from my own two hands. Long story short, I defeated the Wicked Witch of the West by using light magic. Is that good enough?" I ask.

"Ok but what happened before you went after Zelena?" Gold asks.

Again with the questions! Well this is something he doesn't know considering he was with Zelena at the moment.

"Um we were strategizing on how to get Neal back. Gold how is any of this relevant?" I ask wanting to know why he's playing 20 questions.

"Ok who all was with the group strategizing?"

"How is any of this relevant to defeating Zelena a second time?"

"Just trust me and answer the question," he says immediately.

I stop for a moment, trying to think back to that specific moment and all the faces there. The memory, for some unknown reason, is like a regular dream you have at night, later forgetting the details when you wake up. I can't exactly picture their faces when we were all together.

I remember David, since it was his baby, Emma, since she got there as soon as possible, and Henry. Yet it doesn't seem right. My head says that's correct but something else is telling me someone or something is missing.

Henry. Wait where is Henry? From my position I turn my head only to see children playing, oblivious to what is happening. I'm starting to panic. Where is Henry? My attention is pulled to a hill that looks like little kids have painted colorful polkadots on it. The hill leads to a ginormous tree, containing two people under it.

I let go a breath that I didn't realize I was holding. Under the tree I see Henry talking with someone. Who it is; I have no idea. I know as a mother I should be worried he is talking to a stranger, but he is a smart kid. He knew my real identity before anyone in this town.

"Regina?" I hear through my phone, reminding me that I was talking to Gold.

"Yes Gold I'm still here," I reply.

"Regina this is important. I need to know who all was with you."

"Look Gold we can just repeat what we did last time if se decides to show her face again. It worked once why wouldn't it work again?" I say.

"Well one, she already knows that plan. She could be planning something completely different while we're talking this very moment dearie," he sternly says. I don't need to see him face to face to know the exact expression he has right now.

"But you seem to forget one very specific detail, light magic defeats Zelena."

"You're right. Light magic does defeat her, but she has nothing to lose. We do. We have everything to lose. Don't forget she is your mother's daughter. She will use everything and everyone we love and care about. She will do it without any remorse. Do you think she will think twice to pull out Belle's heart and crush it right in front of my eyes? Do you think she will feel any remorse when she kills your own son right before your very eyes? I can answer all that for you dearie. The answer is no. She will not stop until she wins. She has leverage over us. I say we plan this one out carefully and have eyes on the lookout."

I just got Henry back. I can't lose him again.

I take a seat and say "What do you propose?" as I lean on the table.

"I say it's time to tell everyone our little revelation," he responds.

"Look I'm with Henry right now. Do me a favor and tell everyone to meet in my office. I'll figure out a way to drop him off without him knowing a single thing. I don't want him involved," I say.

I'm worried. The last few times he has been involved, he hasn't exactly escaped without a scratch. He ate the turnover that was meant for Miss Swan, fell into a sleeping curse, and literally died. He was taken to his psychotic great grandfather, got his heart tacken out, back in, somehow switched bodies with Pan, and finally returned to his body. I just want him to be Henry not the Truest Believer or son of the Savior and the Dark One's son, but Henry.

"Don't worry I'll have everyone there. You just make sure my grandson is out of harms way," is all he says before he hangs up.

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