The Gathering

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{Robin's POV}

I walk a path as common to myself as the back of my hand. There is a suppose town meeting so here I am, on my way to the mayors office. I haven't been here in a while, but I have to tell the others what has happened.

I don't know what the others will say or how they will react. I'm certain no one else knows about this besides Henry.

People need to give the lad more credit. For a teenager he was able to figure out something we have all been blind to see. Actually, he has been able to figure out two things everyone else has been blond to see.

"Robin!" I hear my name being called.

I turn around to see it come from a certain teenager. It's my fortune seeing how I had just met with him not too long ago.

"Henry what are you doing here?" If I do remember correctly he was just with his mother at the park.

He runs up to me out of breath. He hunches over trying to catch his breath. It takes him a few seconds before he looks up at me while he's still hunched over. His face is apple red. Beads of sweat are rolling down his forehead. hooked under his arm is a book with a brown leather cover.

Henry follows my gaze to the book and hold up a finger indicating that he will answer in a moment. He takes in one last deep breath before standing straight up. He takes the book out from under his arm and holds it out.

"You are going to need this in there," he simply replies still holding out the book.

"Do you know why we all are here?" I ask. How would he know that I need that book? I have never even seen it in my life.

"That's what I'm here for. After our talk, my mom took me to Granny's and told me to wait for her. She said something about attending a meeting. I was a little suspicious about her behavior and decided to do a little something my other mom taught me. I saw a message from my grandfather, Mr.Gold, about a town meeting. Of course I was red to know what it was about so I went to his shop. I arrived just in time. He was on his way out and was locking up. I asked him what the meeting in the Mayor's office was about and he told me it had something to do with my mom. I asked him if he knew about what we talked about and he said he did. Robin he knows!" Henry exclaimed.

I stand there stunned for a moment. If Gold knows then could it be possible that he helped her erase her memories?

"Wait, slow down there. If he knows about that then isn't it possible he could have helped Regina with a potion or something to forget?" I ask. Frankly I just want to know if there is a way I can get Gold to help regain her memories.

"I know I thought that too. But no he didn't help her. He said he found out over the phone when he asked her a few questions that he already knew the answers to. He said every memory you were in was changed a little where the same outcome came but you were excluded or replaced," he explains.

"Wait that doesn't explain why you're here or why you have that book," I say still trying to understand where he is getting at.

"That one is easy, I have to book because there is a new threat and you might need it. I'm here because I need to ask you a huge favor but I'm not sure how you are going to take it," he says rather nervously. Nothing he says can be as bad as what he told me at the park a few moment ago.

"Lad you won't know how I will take these news until you tell me," I say with a brief laugh and reach for the book, "Now go on and tell me before someone sees you here."

"I need you to keep what I've told you a secret."

Ok now I have been completely stunned by a teenager more than once in just a couple of hours.

"What?" is all I manage to say.

"I know you are trying to do what's best for my mom but if there is a new threat here in town you can't distract my mom. This threat must be big if here is going to be a meeting," he says barely above a whisper.

"Henry you just told me all this information and now you don't want me to do something about it?"

"Exactly. At least not until everything is back to normal," he says. He takes a step back to make sure no one is around before he returns his focus on me.

"Henry I'm starting to think the normal in this town is having a threat around," I say laughing a bit before turning serious again.

"I know. Try living here your entire life. Just promise me you won't do or say anything until everything is back to normal. She's my mom. I love and care about her. I'm keeping her best interest in this too. "

I contemplate what he is saying. Quite frankly, I am at a daze of everything that has been thrown towards my way. Regina losing her memories of me. A new threat has made its way back into this town. To top it all off my dead wife came back from the dead! Just one day where everything can be as simple as stealing from the rich and giving it to the poor!

"Henry I will try my best. But would you mind me asking why you are telling me all of this? Just the other night you seemed to be ready to punch me."

"After the shock passed I realized that you aren't that bad. I didn't like what was being said about her since I'm pretty sure I already put her through enough about that when I was ten," he says as his arm reaches the back of his neck. His facial expression turns into a guilty one. One of these days I will ask what he meant by all that.

"Marian was out of line and I apologize for that. I shouldn't have let her go that far. You must understand she had just come from a time where your mother was the most feared woman of the land."

"Yeah I know. That's why I'm telling you everything. You are the only one I can trust with this kind of information. If I tell my other mom she will end up telling everyone else. Then Mary Margaret will end up doing an intervention with everyone there."

I look down and laugh at what he just said. Although I can't say I haven't thought about telling everyone in this meeting, I still find it quite hilarious.

After a few seconds I compose myself for what I am about to say. While it may kill me, I must do as he wishes.

"I promise not to say or do anything until everything is back to normal," I say.

"Thanks Robin. I better go before someone sees me."

"I should probably go in as well," I say with a final wave to Henry before he takes off.

I turn toward the door, not ready for what awaits.

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