With Me

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{Robin's POV}

"Regina?" I say before putting Roland down while watching her walk off.

What is she doing? Did she see me? Did she see Marian? She looks...great. Where is she going? She must be meeting someone because she has a coffee and a bag of pastries. Who?

Marian looked at me and I guess she must have noticed something. "Robin?" she says.

Finally looking away with my hands on Roland's shoulder I respond, "Yes?"

"What happened? You were playing around with Roland and you just stopped," she says.

"Nothing. Uh just needed a quick break. I don't exactly have the same energy as Roland here," I say as I mess with Roland's hair and a grin on my face.

Marian must have not fully believed me but I guess she didn't want to go into the subject any further.

"Mama can we get ice cream?" Roland asks as me looks up to her.

"Um Roland I don't know," Marian replies.

"Please! Regina let me," he begs.

I look away trying to not laugh at the awkward situation. I know this is a sticky subject for Marian. She looks at me in total shock with her eyes wide open.

"I guess. I don't see anything wrong with that," she finally replies.

She puts a hand on Roland's shoulder, leading him to the ice cream shop just across the street.

They start walking but after a few steps they must have realized that I wasn't with them.

Roland stops, causing Marian to stop too. He turns around and asks, "Are you coming papa?" as Marian turns around as well.

"I'll just wait here for you," I reply looking at Marian.

"You sure?" Marian asks with a quizzical look on her face.

"Yes I'm sure. I'll be waiting right here until you come back."

"Ok!" Roland says as he grabs Marian's hand and takes off full speed to the ice cream shop.

That was a close one. But I can't help myself from wondering where Regina was going or who she was meeting.

I see a bench beside me and I take a seat. As I sit down I can't help myself but chuckle at Roland's excitement. He was that excited when we first went with Regina.

Stop it! Regina made it pretty clear how she felt. She never cared about you and she never will. I have Marian back. I should be jumping off the walls and screaming to the top of my lungs, but I'm not!

And where is Regina going? Why was she smiling to herself? I can't take it! I have to know where she's going.

I get up from the bench ready to follow her when Marian and Roland walk up to me with ice cream cones in their hands.

"Hey Robin where are you going?" Marian asks.

I have to think of something quick. Whatever I say it still has to include following Regina.

I must have been thinking for a while because Marian broke the silence and said, "Robin?"

"Let's go to the park!" I say.

Roland jumps up and down almost spilling his ice cream. "Yay let's go let's go!" he says once again taking off running.

I chuckle a bit and decide to run after him. It didn't take long to catch up to him. His tiny little legs were no match for me.

"Come on little man! I'll race you!" I say passing him. The suspension of seeing Regina is killing my patience.

I pass several stores until I'm a few feet away from the entrance of the park. I look back and slow down as I see Roland far behind me as well as Marian.

I come to a sudden stop right in front of the gates of the park. Not too long away from where I'm standing I see Regina sit down near a table for two, setting down her coffee and bag. I see her constantly check her phone as if expecting a call from someone. When her phone does go off, her face lights up as bright as the sun. Her smile could burn holes in my eyes if I kept staring.

Who could she be so ecstatic to see that he or she could make her smile like that? I've seen her smile like that before, with me.

A little hand pulling mine breaks my train of thought. I look down to see Roland with ice cream smeared all over his face and the tips of his nose.

"Yes Roland," I say.

"Papa are we here for Gina?" Roland asks.

I look down at him, shocked but not for the reason someone might think. I'm shocked because he knew the real reason we're here.

"Yes Robin, are we here for Gina?" Marian asks with her arms crossed.

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