I let out a titter at his bewildered look.

"Alright, alright."

He swiftly pulled on the handle, opening the door. Once the sound of his was heard, I sped after him, my hands on hovering over my head –a feeble attempt at not getting my hair wet. Of course it had failed.

I could barely see a few feet ahead of me as I followed Zach through the rain.

His head turned, quickly looking back at me before returning to its forwards position. "Hey," he shouted as he picked up speed.

He arrived at the door and pulled on it roughly, lurching it open just as I made it to him.

I quickly slipped passed him as he pressed his thumb to his key, locking the car.

His front came into contact with my back as I stood on the welcome mat, the door closing behind us. Rubbing my feet against the material under my feet, Zach spoke up.

"Hey, you were supposed to wait for me so I could open the door for you without you getting too wet."

I peered up at him, my head brushing his shoulder as my lips turned up in a small smile.

"But you managed to open it for me anyways."

He stared at me, his blue eyes boring into mine as he scowled teasingly.

So beautiful.

His eyes were mesmerizing, swirling with all shades of blue and so bright against the contrast of outside.

"Yes but that wasn't the point. I only made it because I saw you catching up to me and had to sprint."

A soft giggle rolled out of my mouth causing him to drop the scowl. His lips touched my temple, lingering there before leaving.

I felt my cheeks get hot and quickly cradled them, worried he may see. My hands felt numb –cold from the rain that had drenched us just minutes ago.

I heard him wiping his feet against the mat and we decided to start removing our outer clothing but a voice from in front of us interrupted that.

"I'm so sorry, we're just about to close. With the weather we've decided to lock up a little early." The young girl apologised, wringing her hands nervously.

It was then that I noticed all the chairs stacked up behind her and the almost darkness that surrounded them. A light from the kitchen seemed to provide a bit of lighting to the empty tables.

"Oh, um, of course. Sorry, we weren't aware before." I struggled to find an answer.

Zach agreed behind me, placing his large had on my waist, "Yes, don't worry at all. We'll come back another time." He said, directing the last part at me.

I nodded as well, "Yes, it looks so cute and dainty."

She smiled apologetically as we turned to leave, a few 'thank you's uttered by us but her fingers wrapping around the wet material clinging to my wrist stopped us.

"You know what, I'll see what I can do."

I was quick to wave my hands back and forth, assuring her that it was alright.

"No, no, no. It's fine, the-"

"Really, it's alright. We can whip something up for you quickly." She looked towards the kitchen and called out, "Pops."

A man stuck his head out, searching for his daughter's voice. Upon finding her and us, he raised his eyebrows, a smile on his face.

She turned back to us, beaming as she held out a menu for us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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