Ferris Wheel Of Speculation

Start from the beginning

"Baby, listen. Everything will be fine. We'll figure it out. Here take your wrap. And tell me what Dima and Igor told you. Everything again."

And so I did. I got off of his lap and he awkwardly went to the driver's seat. God knows neither of us wanted me to drive back home.

"So he mentioned a picture? He said curly haired girl and you?" AJ said while driving, we were almost back at the penthouse.

"Yes, Igor recognised me and Dima knew he'd seen me too. Which shouldn't be possible. But then he mentioned the picture. What if Ghost gave him a picture of the girls and I? Maybe to keep me tied you know. Maybe he found out I hacked into his emails." I said holding my head.

"Calm down Lilah, look, you hacked into them very recently, Willow's mum says she hasn't heard from her in 4 days. That's long. And I don't think Ghost wanted Willow at all."

"What do you mean?" I said looking up again. We'd reached the parking underneath the house. It was lightly lit with yellow lamps.

"I think he wanted to kidnap you. I think he got that picture in John's phone. The one you sent him after the night in the club."

"The one with the three of us outside the Twilight Exit? Sam took it." I said remembering that night.

"Yeah. And maybe instead of you, those idiots got Willow? Because your other friend, the one with the long black hair, she's not in LA right now, is she?" He asked.

"Not as far as I know."

"Yeah well, we're going to have to tell the others! I don't understand what's happening! This was supposed to be just a typical heist!" He said, I think he'd finally lost it.

"AJ, they saw me. They'll tell Sergei and Ghost. He'll know we're onto him. We're so done!" I said with complete paranoia.

"No," he said simply.
"That won't happen, Sergei has a reputation, he doesn't care for life. He'll have their heads, if he found out they messed up so big. They'll try to correct their mistakes themselves. That's when we get them. That's when we strike back. Plus, they never saw me. I'm your safe bet here."

"Well, what're we going to do now? Do you trust the others enough to tell them?"

"We'll tell them, Jake and John. And to the others we'll just say that Jake found out about the delay with the armour trucks. That way G won't be...well...too suspicious. I'm at a loss with him Lilah. He's taught me everything I know."

"I know babe, I know. But we have to be careful. You're smarter than to let your emotions flow through, right now." I said holding his hand.

He looked beaten up. He had a little black residue on his cheek and his hair was a mess. While his eyes were lost in some realm of thought and strategy.

"Let's get this over with first. Then we'll think about Willow and what to do next. Come on." He said, he was about to get out of the car when he grimaced in pain.

"Woah AJ. What's wrong?" I asked grabbing him and pulling him back. Then I remembered. When he came out of the club, he was clutching his side. I was too wrapped up in worries for willow to pay too much attention then. I cursed myself.

"It's nothing," he said and then groaned in pain.

"Well it's surely not nothing!" I said trying to pull his shirt up so I could see the damage done.
"Let me see."

His side was bruised badly. It was an ugly blue. He must have broken something.

"Shit AJ. We need to get you too a hospital," I said instantly.

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