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It's Saturday now which means it's two days after Seokjin's father decided to stop by the apartment with his rather shocking news. Taehyung knows that the hyungs have probably discussed it already, and he hates that he and Jimin couldn't have been there, but they're always busy on Fridays.

Namjoon picks them up from their apartment around noon, greeting the two with a kiss before they make their way to the car. The ride there isn't filled with the light chitchat it usually is. Namjoon just turns on a rather Namjoon-like playlist and lets it fill the car instead. Taehyung's lets his gaze stays focused on what's outside the window, allowing him to zone out for the time it takes to get to the other complex.

No one says anything even when they enter the apartment. It's quiet. It's so unusual for the apartment to be quiet. Namjoon leads Taehyung and Jimin to the bedroom where Seokjin, Hoseok, and Yoongi are already under the covers, the eldest being in the middle of the other two. Namjoon gets beside Yoongi, and Jimin gravitates to Hoseok, but Taehyung so badly wants to comfort Seokjin, so he crawls right on top of the older, his head resting on the other's chest. He feels both Hoseok's and Yoongi's hands coming around him before there's some shifting, and then, Seokjin's fingers are running through his hair.

Seokjin still feels sad. The others feel sad too. Taehyung doesn't like it when they feel upset. "Darling, why are you crying?" Seokjin's hand brushes past his cheek, trying to wipe away the wetness of his tears.

Taehyung moves up so that his face is in front of Seokjin's. He can only think of one answer, so he says it without hesitation. "Because I love you," Taehyung whispers. Seokjin's eyes widen, his surprise running through their bond. Of course, they all know it. They can all feel it. But, Taehyung hasn't actually said it to any of them yet. Seokjin's other hand rises to that he can hold Taehyung's face. The older's eyes shine with unshed tears.

"I love you too," Seokjin gives Taehyung a small smile before the younger nuzzles into the crook of the Seokjin's neck. His arms wrap around the younger tight, both Yoongi and Hoseok holding him too. He doesn't know when, but at some point, his breaths begin to sync up with Seokjin's, and he gives into that small, familiar push within him, melding with the older. They breathe together, and he can feel their bond getting stronger with each breath they suck in. With every binding step he's gone through, they always felt so fast. But, this one, this one feels like it takes a lifetime before he's opening his eyes again.

Their bond feels so much deeper, so much richer than it had before. He's able to pick out the small things easier. He meets Seokjin's eyes, and the older pushes one of his hands through Taehyung's hair. He looks around to see that the bed now only contains them. Then, he looks back at Seokjin. Something warm settles in his chest. For some reason, his thoughts feel clearer. "I think you should marry Hoseok-hyung," Seokjin doesn't seem surprised by Taehyung's statement, just a little saddened. "Don't worry, hyung. I'm sure we'll all be able to get married at some point. Just, for now, you and Hobi-hyung should. It's for the best." Seokjin sucks in a breath and nods.

"I know," He whispers. "I know we should." Taehyung lowers himself back onto Seokjin's chest, letting the older's arms wrap around him. He doesn't like the conflict swirling around in the bond, so he holds Seokjin even closer.

After dinner, the six of them gather into the living room like any other night, but of course, there are unsaid words that linger in the air. Taehyung's not cuddled up into someone like he normally is. He doesn't know why, but he finds himself taking a seat in one of the chairs instead of sitting next to the others on the couch. In reality, he wants to be sitting with Seokjin, their bond still very fresh. But, there's something in him that is making him hesitate more than normal.

"I don't want to get married yet," Hoseok breaks the silence, his voice barely a mumble. He looks up from the floor, and Taehyung sees the glisten in his eyes. "I don't want to get married until I can marry all of you. It's not fair." Namjoon moves an arm around Hoseok and pulls him closer when the tears actually begin to fall down his face.

Seokjin sucks in a breath and nods. "Then we won't. We're not getting married." Taehyung stays silent.

"But-" Hoseok starts, a sudden rush of guilt pushing through the bond.

"No, we're not. I don't care about the companies. Eventually, people will forget and the companies will be fine," Seokjin reiterates, his eyes meeting Taehyung. And, even though he says that, they can all feel the worry running through the older.

Namjoon shushes Hoseok by continuing to hold him in his arms. No one says anything the rest of the night.

The next morning, there's a knock at the door. Taehyung jolts from where he was eating leftovers in the kitchen. He's the only one awake at the moment, it being sometime after 7:00 am. Taehyung goes to answer the door, opening it, and standing on the other side is Kim Namjung. He stares at the man with wide eyes. "Mr. Kim-" He breathes, shocked. He feels like a fish with how much his mouth is opening and closing at the moment.

"I know Seokjin-ah doesn't want to see me. I know that most of you don't want to see me actually." He takes a breath. "But I came to explain." Taehyung can tell that the man wants in, but he's the only one awake at the moment, and he doesn't necessarily want to open the door to him to give the others a nasty shock.

"Tell me," Taehyung says, almost surprising himself. "Explain it to me, and I'll see if it's enough for you to see Seokjin-hyung," Kim Namjung gulps before nodding.

"I've been talking with some people, congressmen, justices, the president." He starts, his voice soft. Taehyung's eyes push open a little wider. The president. The president? Taehyung knows that the president has worked with MAMA before and that he gets a lot of information from there, but he didn't realize that Seokjin's dad could actually get in contact with him. Taehyung blinks. "I think within the next month or two, it'll be possible for more than just two people to get married. I wouldn't have suggested it unless I knew there was a way, and I know I said 'get married', and that was bad wording on my part, but all I meant was for Seokjin-ah and Hoseok-ah to get engaged. That's all, Taehyung-ssi. I promise."

Taehyung's very shocked after hearing Kim Namjung's explanation. In fact, he's so shocked that he's surprised that his other matches aren't awake yet from the feeling in the bonds alone. He steps away from the door slightly, holding it open. He hopes that this is something he won't regret.

Seokjin's father looks at Taehyung like he wasn't expecting him to open the door, hesitating before he gives him a nod and steps inside the apartment. He really hopes he hasn't done the wrong thing by letting him into the apartment.


And, that's all for this weekend folks! If I'm being honest, I already have 500 words of the next chapter written, and let me just say... angst.

I watched BANGBANGCON the live last night, and just- my heart. It's easy to see how badly our boys miss performing with us present and there, how badly they want to go on tour. It breaks my heart.

I'll see you all next weekend!

Lots and lots of love~

- AC

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