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Hoseok doesn't know what happened. It's now July. It's been three months, three months of happiness and fun. So much laughter filled every day, and everyone had a smile on their face for such a long time. Then, they started to snap at each other to do the chores, some refusing and putting them on others. They had always had a system for chores. Everyone does their own laundry. When the clean the whole apartment, everyone gets to clean their rooms. Seokjin cleans the kitchen. Hoseok and Yoongi clean the living room, and for some reason, Namjoon volunteered to clean the hall bath and laundry room in the beginning.

Everything used to be so easy, but over the past week, they have all been a bad mood. They still manage to sleep in the same bed at night, but Hoseok's bonds with Yoongi and Seokjin are putting him in a bad mood because they are in bad moods. It makes it harder to sleep at night, knowing that the four of them aren't as happy with each other as they used to be. Hoseok doesn't even get morning cuddles and kisses like he used to. He feels as if he's about to snap.
"Hoseok-ah, get out of bed. Don't make us late," Seokjin says from the bathroom, the younger finally sitting up before letting a sigh slip from his lips.

He makes his way to his room and gets ready, stopping in the bathroom that connects his and Namjoon's room and looking at the mirror. He can see the sadness on his face. Suddenly, Namjoon opens the door and spots Hoseok. "Hey, Seokie," Namjoon developed a new nickname for Hoseok last month, and it just kinda stuck. "I need to pee," Namjoon says, telling Hoseok to leave the bathroom. Hoseok nods and leaves, shutting the door behind him.

He picks up his backpack from beside the chair at his desk, checking to make sure he put everything back into it. He slings the bag over his shoulder and grabs his phone, shoving it into his back pocket. He walks into the kitchen a opens the pantry to grab a granola bar to snack on. He knows that he doesn't have enough time to eat an actual breakfast, but something is better than nothing.

He suddenly feels a flash of anger come through Yoongi's bond, and then more anger comes from Seokjin's bond. He can't believe that they're doing this in the morning.
Then, he hears the shouting and winces. Namjoon peeks out of his room with a worried look on his face. The younger turns to Hoseok. "Are they fighting again?" Hoseok nods, and Namjoon moves to Hoseok, wrapping his arms around him.
This all started last week. First, Seokjin's father called him and asked him to visit home. Seokjin obviously said no. Then, Seokjin's mother called and basically begged her son to come home. It was something about her wanting them to be a family again. Then, the worst happened. Seokjin's brother called him. Seokjin hadn't heard from his brother in years, so it really shook him and rebuilt some of the walls that Hoseok, Yoongi, and Namjoon had been able to break down.

To make it even worse, the anniversary of Yoongi's grandmother's death is coming up, and he can't go and visit her resting place because he has a presentation that day.
Their moods keep rubbing off on Hoseok, making him grumpier than usual, but Namjoon gets the worst of it. All three of them have snapped at Namjoon more than once, Hoseok being the only one to really apologize for it afterward. Hoseok has been getting better and keeping himself calm, but Yoongi is too distraught to think straight, and Seokjin's walls keep getting higher and higher.

"Has Seokjin-hyung ever been like this with you, ever?" Hoseok asks the younger.
"No, but the hate he has for his family is strong. It's mainly the fear he has driving it though." Namjoon looks sadly toward the master bedroom where they can still hear muffled yells. "I think he's afraid that if they let him back in, they will break him again." Hoseok almost starts to tear up. Seokjin is afraid. He can feel it. He can feel it ripping the older apart.

"Has, Yoongi-hyung ever been like this with you?" Namjoon asks in return.

Hoseok nods his head. "Once, at the beginning of our friendship. He got angry at me because I accidentally deleted one of his tracks when listening to it." Hoseok lets out a shaky breath. "He stayed angry for a full week before talking to me again," Hoseok finds a tear slipping down his face at the complete and utter sadness filling him at the thought of Yoongi being so angry at him. He doesn't even notice the yelling stop and he cries, Namjoon whispering hushed words of comfort into his hair. Hoseok's so tired of the fighting, so tired of the older two snapping at him to do this and that. He just wants to love them without them being so angry, sad, and afraid all the time.

"Seok-ah?" Hoseok looks up to see Yoongi's small figure standing in front of him. Even Yoongi has started to call him by some sort of nickname.

"Hyung," Hoseok says softly, surprised to see the older standing in front of him and Namjoon.
Hoseok's eyes move to the figure coming in behind Yoongi: Seokjin.

 "Hoseok-ah, why are you crying?"

"I don't like it when you fight," Hoseok sniffs, wiping his own tears away and standing a little taller when Namjoon lets go of him. "I know you both are going through hard times, but you can talk to us. You don't have to resort to fighting," Hoseok says, looking between Seokjin's and Yoongi's eyes. "Fighting isn't healthy when you are keeping things in," Hoseok says a little softer, looking down. Guilt slowly begins to come through his bonds, the remorse getting stronger and stronger.

"M' sorry Seok-ah," Yoongi whispers, getting closer to Hoseok. His hands come up and hold the younger's face before placing a small kiss on his nose. "I should've talked to you or at least someone," Yoongi rests his forehead on Hoseok's. They take a few comforting breaths together before Yoongi exits the kitchen with Namjoon, leaving Hoseok and Seokjin alone.

Seokjin isn't looking at Hoseok, he's looking away. Then, Hoseok sees a tear fall from Seokjin's face and to the floor. "Baby," Seokjin's eyes look up at Hoseok. "Come here," Hoseok holds out his arms, and Seokjin immediately walks into them.

"It's just so hard," Seokjin says in between stuttered breaths.

"I know," Hoseok mutters and he rubs Seokjin's back. "Just remember you can talk to us. We're here for when you are hurting, baby," Hoseok feels Seokjin slowly begin to calm down, still holding on to the younger tightly. "We're here," Hoseok whispers, pulling back so that he can place a slow, comforting kiss on Seokjin's lips.


This chapter is a litter emotional T-T

Wow, chapter 45 of Sevenths and chapter 10 of Three-Sevenths. This is crazy. And oml do I love time skips. We're now in July. In two months Sevenths Time, we'll be at Namjoon b-day. That means that we have like 3-5 more chapters of Three-Sevenths. o.0

Also, I do apologize for chap. 44. It was not up to standard. I just really wanted to write Yoongi calling Seokjin and Hoseok evil lol.

I just wanna loooOOOve you

- AC

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