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"Why didn't you wake us up?" Seokjin pouts as he goes through his closet, looking for something to wear.

"Because you all have been sick, hyung, and I didn't feel the need to wake you guys up," Namjoon responds as he sits on the side of the bed. "You know, I also made sure that we got today off too. You don't have to change," The younger teases.

Seokjin turns around to look at him with his eyebrows creased and a pout still on his lips. "I thought we could go out for your mark day," He reasons. "But, if you don't want to, we can stay in all day."

Namjoon stands up from the bed, moving to the older before wrapping his arms around his hips and pulling him close.

Namjoon nuzzles his head into the crook of Seokjin's neck."I'll do whatever you want me to do," The younger muffles, breathing in the scent of the elder. It seems as if Seokjin is pondering over what to do as they stay in silence for a minute or two.

"How bout' we stay in, hm?" Seokjin suggests as Namjoon pulls away to see a soft smile resting on Seokjin's face. "We don't want you to bond with us accidentally in public." He laughs. "We'd be there for hours." Namjoon nods in agreement, a soft chuckle slipping from his lips.

He can't help but wonder if he could bond with Seokjin now. They're so close in proximity, and the younger feels like he already can read the emotions off Seokjin's face. He's so curious as to what it would feel like to have Seokjin's emotions blend with his.

Namjoon leans forward to capture Seokjin's lips in a kiss, hoping that it might trigger his mark to reach out for Seokjin's. Namjoon can tell that Seokjin's caught a little off guard by the sudden kiss, but he soon responds to Namjoon's kiss by tightly wrapping his arms around Namjoon and weaving one of his hands into the younger's hair. When Namjoon still begins to feel as if his mark isn't responding, he kisses Seokjin harder, pushing the older up against the wall. He wants desperately to bond with him, to feel what he is feeling. Seokjin lets out a little gasp when his back hits flush against the wall, but that doesn't stop Namjoon.

More and more frustration builds up inside him at his mark not reacting with Seokjin's, him soon moving to Seokjin's neck and sucking harsh bruises into the skin. His frustration then leads to tears falling down his face as he moves his mouth back up to Seokjin's. He can only bring himself to kiss the older tenderly as he cries. Seokjin notices the wetness staining Namjoon's cheeks and makes them part, his hands immediately moving to hold Namjoon's face tenderly. "Joon-ah, what is it?" Seokjin asks as more and more tears slip from Namjoon's eyes.

"I thought-" Namjoon stops to take a breath. "I thought we could bond," He takes another shaky breath. "It's not," He pauses to breathe. "It's not working."

"Joonie," Seokjin has pure sadness in his eyes. "We will bond, I promise, but it's still early. Your body has to adjust to your mark." Seokjin explains.

"But, I- I already bonded with Yoongi-hyung," Namjoon says, and immediately his tears start falling faster. "Why can't I with you?" Namjoon's breathing continues to get more and more irregular. "I just- I just want to bond with you," Namjoon says, not even attempting to calm himself down anymore.

Seokjin moves them to the bed so he can hold the younger better than before. "Shh, deep breathes," Seokjin whispers, running his fingers through Namjoon's hair. "It's ok," Seokjin's soft words encourage Namjoon to attempt to calm down.

Namjoon's head snaps up when Hoseok and Yoongi walk into the bedroom, their faces creased with worry. "Joonie," Hoseok immediately rushes over to Namjoon's other side to hold him, Yoongi squatting down in front of the younger and taking his hands. "Joon, we're here," Hoseok says softly into Namjoon's ear. "We're here," He repeats as Namjoon slowly comes back to his senses.

He didn't realize that he would freak out like this after a failed attempt to bond with one of his matches. Well, he thought that it would happen immediately. So, when it didn't it, his thoughts started to collapse in on themselves.

His breaths become less shaky than before, and the flow of his tears slow to a stop. In. Out. In. Out.No one asks him questions. They all let him calm down and continue to comfort him for he doesn't know how long. He tries not to think about the breakdown he just had and the reasons behind it because he knows if he does, he'll have another one.

"I need to go to the bathroom," Namjoon mumbles as he moves himself out of everyone's grip. He doesn't even go to the bathroom attached to the master bedroom, he instead chooses to go to the bathroom he shares with Hoseok, locking both doors when he steps inside.

He looks in the mirror and continues to take deep breaths as he stares at his splotchy face and puffy eyes. He doesn't ever cry like this. He didn't know that something so simple could push him over the edge. He runs some water into the sink and splashes it on to his face, taking a hand towel to dab the water off his face afterward.

He meets his eyes again in the mirror and takes another deep breath before sitting down against the cabinets under the sinks. He works to calm himself down even more, but he can't help but bring his gaze to the mark on his wrist. He already has a small bond with Yoongi. His mark knows how to bond, so why can't he now when he wants to?

It hurts. He's been waiting so long to get his mark. He's tried his hardest not to be jealous of the others' bond, but it has happened from time to time, probably more often than he'd like to admit. And, now, he's still left out, he still can't bond even though he has his mark.

He tries to think back to what Seokjin said about his body not adjusting to his mark yet, but he's has had part of his mark for a long time now, why would his body take a significant amount of time to adjust now?

He leans his head back against the wooden door of the cabinets and takes another breath. He's going to have to be patient even though he's been waiting for two years already.


Wow, chapter 50. Just wow. Chapter 1 of Four-Sevenths too! And lol it's a lil' angsty. It's gonna be a lil' angsty, sorry :') 

Enjoy your Valentine's Day whether you're single or taken!

- AC


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