Halfway through the door, Willow sucked in a breath. Babe?! She whirled around and raised her finger angrily. Her mouth searched for words, but nothing came out. Her face, however, turned a bright crimson. With a growl, Willow quickly stomped out of the room. 

Willow grabbed three eggs from the carton that she had bought yesterday with a look of disdain. 

In all honesty, Willow couldn't cook. Her declaration to prepare a meal was just a way to get out of whatever had just gone down in that bedroom. Uneasily, Willow cracked the first egg and let the yolk fall to the center of the pan. It sizzled right as soon as it touched the surface, including the small remnants of egg shell that found its way into the skillet due to Willow's lack of skill. She cracked the others before bursting the yolks to make scrambled eggs. 

"This isn't hard," Willow tried to convince herself as she scraped the pan with her plastic spatula. 

She grabbed another skillet and reached in the fridge for the bacon she’d also bought. Behind her, she could hear the footsteps of someone in the room. "Hey," she said with her back still facing the Doctor. 

"Hi," he replied. 

He sat down at the kitchen island with his head in his hands and his eyes on Willow. 

She continuously glanced at him as she worked until she couldn't take it anymore. She put her hands on her hips with her spatula still in hand. 


The Doctor snapped out of his trance and shrugged. "It's just that after all this time, you've never made breakfast for me before." 

Willow paused. "And that would be for… how long?" 

The Doctor sighed as he tried not to laugh at her confusion. "Willow, we've been dating for two years."

Willow's mouth shaped into a big 'o' as she pivoted around and walked back to the stove. 

"I thought the TARDIS programmed your life at random, Doctor," she muttered down to the eggs. "I swear if I'm ever stuck in another alien marriage situation again-"

"Did you say something?"


Willow quickly started playing with the bacon in the skillet in an attempt of normality, which quickly backfired. 


"Yes Doc- I mean…" she looked over her shoulder for a que. 

"John, Willow. It's John Smith."

"Yes, John?"

She heard the chair scrape backwards as the Doctor, er, John, stood up. The padded sound of footsteps was right behind her before she realized what he was doing. 

“I love you,” he murmured. 

Willow felt his arms wrap around her hips as he rested his chin on her shoulder. She frowned at his hands and lightly tapped his wrists. As if he could read her mind, his hands moved upwards to her stomach.

 In opposition to his thoughts, they weren't there, and never would get there. She let him stay there for a second before spooning some eggs and bacon on a plate for him. 

He hummed a thanks and put the plate on the table while waiting for Willow to serve herself. She grabbed a portion and stood at the island, still not comfortable with sitting next to this… stranger. 

"I'm going to that job interview later this afternoon," John said while picking his rubbery eggs with a fork. 

"Uh, that's nice," Willow brushed off her hands and grabbed a fork from the drawer. "Where's it again?"

"The hospital down the street," John said before painstakingly swallowing a piece of burnt bacon.

"How ironic," Willow chided, then immediately regretted it.  

John looked at her with those big brown eyes that she adored, though they were a bit dimmer than usual, like there weren't the bits of the universe that had been seen underneath them. "How?" 

Willow cleared her throat. "It's not… I was just saying… never mind Doc- I mean John."

"You must've hit your head pretty hard when you fell out of bed," he got up and quickly went to scrape the bits of egg off his plate before turning on the sink faucet. 

"Maybe," she said, looking down at the disaster of a breakfast that she had made. 

"I was thinking about taking a walk this morning, if you wanted to join," John said over the sound of flowing water and clinking dishes. 

Willow looked up at him but soon flushed a bright red when she finally realized he was only wearing his T-shirt and boxers from before. 

"S-sure, that sounds nice," she quickly replied before heading to the bathroom, not wanting him to see her embarrassment.

Willow quickly closed the door behind her and put her hands on the lip of the sink. She raised her head and stared at her hazel eyes in the mirror. Her golden brown skin was still a bit rosy from her… discovery. She splashed water on her face as if it would refresh her whole entire morning. 

"The Doctor told me that he would be like this," she whispered to herself. "I just have to play along and hope he turns back…" 

When she entered the kitchen again, she discovered that John was no longer there. 

Willow dashed to the bedroom to fling on some leggings and a T-shirt for their walk. On her way in, she froze. 

John stood at what Willow supposed was 'his side' of the bed. There was nothing wrong with this, except for the fact that he was shirtless, therefore, almost completely naked. 

"Oh god," Willow groaned, covering her eyes with her hands. In a terrible attempt to blindly maneuver around the bed, she felt her fingers unconsciously fall so she could avoid poking her hip on the edge of the bed. She looked up a bit too far however, because in her view was John's back, open and bare. She must have looked for way too long, because John glanced at her and flung his shirt over his shoulder like a gym towel. "You look like you've never seen me without a shirt, Will," he commented before placing the shirt in a laundry basket. 

"I-uh, it's just-" Willow stuttered as she scanned him up and down. He was thin as anything else, but also lean in the most attractive way possible. Willow squinted at his figure, before raising her eyebrows approvingly and walking through the doorway. 

A Man Named John Smith (10th Doctor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now