Chapter 4 : The Shadows' Procession

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Vanessa :

I was waiting outside Vixxon's room at the hospital. Patients were filling & doctors were busy. My parents were one of them. My dad was a cardiologist while my mom was an orthopedic surgeon. My dad used to always come home late as he used to get a lot of patients. My mom gets her day off sometimes. Today it wasn't her day off. I waited for her until her shift got over & someone else had to take the place.
"I'm so sorry, Vanessa!", she apologized.
"It's ok! I have the habit now. Is dad gonna come home late?", I asked.
"Yeah he is. He's really busy. Anyways let's go home & have dinner. It's 8pm already!", she said. We were going home now. I thought to take one glance at Vixxon before going home. I went inside the room where he was sleeping in the hospital bed. He was drooling. I could see that. I giggled not making a noise to disturb him. He was in a deep sleep, I could see that. I went outside & held my mom's hand to go home. We sat in the car & I turned on the radio. Shelley Nightingale's song was playing. She was my favorite singer. Her voice was so melodious & soothing. She had the best voice in Heavenearth to be honest. I was humming the tunes & beats while my mom was concentrating on the road. The roads were winding & I could see the windmills on the hills, rotating the atmosphere. It was so blissful. My house was in the forest. You see I belonged to a deer family & deers live in the forests. Our house was surrounded by many other families. So it was safe & full of nature. It was basically getting urbanized  It was a city located in the Heavenearth. We called this city as 'The Urban Forest'. We reached our house. The first thing I did was have bath. I was sweating as I danced a lot. I took on my fresh clothes & went inside to take a relaxing shower. I finished having my bath & went downstairs to help mom with the cooking.
"Vanessa can you do me a favour?", she asked politely.
"Yeah sure! Just tell me.", I said
"The coriander, bell peppers & tomatoes are over. Can you get it from Uncle Bearson, please?", she requested.
"Ok I will! I'll be back in 5 mins", I said. I went & put on my shoes.
"Thank you deer!", she laughed making a joke. I laughed back. It was raining so I had to take the umbrella. I went outside looking for Mr.Bearson's shop. I saw the lights of the board in his shop & figured that it was his shop.
"Uncle, I need some coriander, tomatoes & bell peppers!"
"Sure! There you go!", he said handing me the groceries.
I went home with the items & handed them to mom. She started chopping them so fast, that my eyes couldn't process. Within minutes she prepared dinner.
"Mom, do you need help?", I said softly still startled the way she cooked.
She kept the dinner on the table. She started eating & looked at me.
"Why aren't you eating Vanessa?", she asked me confused.
"I'm waiting for dad.", I said.
"You know that he's gonna come home late! You have your dinner till then otherwise it'll be cold!", she said.
"Ok!", I said with a sad face.
The dinner was tasty. I went to my bed to sleep. Mom was waiting downstairs for dad. I just stuck up to my phone to see the feeds of our school. I saw Stevven's name with Serena's & Genesis's with Nero. They got pretty good opponents to battle with. Genesis had to win! Stevven too! I wondered what they were doing now! Were they asleep or bored? Just then the door bell rang. It was dad! I rushed downstairs to hug him but when I saw his upset face, it shocked me.
"Vanessa! Do you know that boy Vixxon?", he asked me.
"Yeah I do! He's my friend!", I replied
"I was just passing by his room when I saw the doctors worrying for some reason!", he said.
"What is it dear?", my mom asked.
"He might be suffering from Hypersomnia!", he said
"Hypersomnia?!", my mom asked confused.
"But how is that possible? Vixxon had minor fractures & bone displacements! Why would he suffer from Hypersomnia?", she asked still confused & shocked.
Hypersomnia is a sleep disorder where you sleep for more than a week. During this process, our brain rests for more than 24hrs due to depression or drug medications. Vixxon didn't have depression nor did he take drugs! What was happening?
"Dad are you sure?", I asked him
"The doctors did look confuse but there's a possibility of that case.", he explained me.
I went inside my room to inform Stevven & Genesis. Did Jones know this? How would he react? I called Stevven first as I thought that would be better. He wasn't picking up. It was coming busy. I called Genesis then. She too wasn't picking up!
"Why are their phones off?", then I called Jones. He picked up the call.
"What is it Vanessa?", he asked.
"Vixxon has hypersomnia!", I informed him.
"What? I'm going to the hospital now!", he said & hung up the call
I went downstairs & told mom if we could go & visit Vixxon. It was really shocking. How could a boy who had fractures get sleeping disorders! Especially a serious case like Hypersomnia. I was worried
"I guess we need to inform Robertt first!", my mom suggested.
"I already did that! There's no time let's go!", I said
"I'll stay at home then! Y'all go & visit him.", my dad suggested.
We went outside in the harsh rains. It was lightning pretty bad. The thunders were the loudest today! The lights were flashing my mom's concentration on the winding roads. It took us about an hour to reach the hospital. We saw many psychologists rushing towards Vixxon's room. My mom went inside the room in that crowd of psychologists. Inside the room was Vixxon, sleeping deeply. His ears were suddenly bleeding & his body was trembling with fear. The doctors brought the blanket to cover him. Jones came rushing to the room. He saw Vixxon & cried in tears.
The doctors told him to calm down while they would be inspecting Vixxon. Jones, I & my mom went outside so that the doctors could do their work. Just then the doctor who had taken my mom's shift came up.
"Dr.Deerhart, can you take the night shift? I'm really tired.", she said exhausted
"Ok fine! I'll take the shift.", my mom said.
"Vanessa, you better go home now. When Vixxon's condition is stable I'll tell you.", she said.
I thought of going home while Jones thought of staying here itself. I guess I had to take a cab now. It was night &  I was kinda scared, but I was strong & I had to be. If anyway I got lost dad had that tracker in my phone that enabled him to know where I was. So I was safe. I went to the lobby where I waved a bye to Jones upstairs while I saw my mom busy flexing a patient's leg who screamed in pain. I went out in search of a cab. I got into one.
"Urban Forest please", I said.
"Sure ma'am!", he said. His voice was kinda weird. It was cold, deep & shattered. We reached the roads where it was winding. The driver wore a black hoodie & the streetlights showed his pale skin which was on the steering wheel. I felt creepy sitting in the cab where the roads where silent. He suddenly stopped the car.
"What is it?", I asked still creeped out. I was ready to press the button which would call my dad.
"Can you get outside the car, miss?", he asked
"Sure!", I replied in confusion.
I got out of the car & turned my right. There was another road there. It was the returning road. There I could see some people. It looked like a procession. People were wearing black robes with hoodies & a book in their hands. I suddenly realised that I was being hypnotized. My eyes were in a spiral & a kaleidoscope. Looking at their bodies made me feel dizzy & when they turned at me, I could see millions of black eyes staring at me. When I looked at the driver who himself looked like as if he was a part of the procession, have black eyes, I was shocked. His black eyes were so intense & creepy. It made me feel so dizzy that when I looked at those intense black eyes I passed out on the road with my eyes closing in darkness.
When I woke up, I ran away without turning back at that man. I screamed for help but no one seemed to respond. I ran as fast as I could. Maybe I could go to the hospital & tell mom that I experienced something creepy. Maybe she would help me. I was trembling with fear. The sight of that man made me feel sick. I noticed something weird though. The streetlights were so many that it was impossible to count them. It was so bright that it was hard to distinguish the darkness. I felt hypnotized seeing the lights, but I ignored it. All in my mind was nothing but escape. I could see the hospital but it slowly started to fade away.
"What the hell is happening?", I wondered. I went close to the hospital when it faded completely. I was now in a state of confusion & anxiety. My adrenaline was secreting fast & I was sweating like rain. My heartbeat was increasing & my brain had completely stopped working. My mind was completely blank. I felt like my lungs were running out of breath. I was so exhausted that I needed rest & some water. But this was not I was supposed to do. I needed an escape plan. Someone to help me. But no one seemed to be here. It felt empty. I did see some lights. So the only choice I had was going to one of the houses & seek for help. I went to one of the houses but the people inside thought that I was a psychopath! How rude were they! I turned back to see a gang of those creepy looking people. The ones with black eyes & robes. I screamed again thinking that it might be of some use. The people came outside & started chasing those people while a man approached me.
"I guess it's not safe tonight! You can come over & have dinner. You look hungry & tired.", he said. His wife came over & tried to insist. I was stupid & said yes. I went to their home where I could see their kids playing. They asked me what happened & I explained them the situation I had been through. They were worried & tried to comfort me. Just then my stomach growled for food & they laughed.
"The dinner is on the table, you can have it!", she said & grinned.
I went to the table to get the food. When I returned from the kitchen, all in front of me where the people who had the black eyes & robes! I screamed again & dropped the paye with food, but at that moment one person took out his left hand & started hypnotizing me. His hands we're moving in a circular direction. My eyes were on a kaleidoscope again. The colours where coming in & out of my brains. When my vision came back & I was in my senses, I could see blood coming out from a small boy. When I saw around me, I could see that family's bodies all around. In my hand was a sword covered up in blood & the walls as were in well. It suddenly flashed me that my dress, the walls & the sword were all in blood! I was shocked for what I had just done! I killed the entire family by myself.

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