Chapter 3 : Sweetish Blood

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Genesis :

After visiting Vixxon at the hospital, I & Stevven decided to walk together. His house was close to mine. As we were walking together, I saw him confused of something.
"What is it? Is something the matter?", I asked him
"No it's nothing.", he replied. He lied & I knew that. There were some things that he didn't want to tell me. So I just let that go. My house came & I saw dad waiting.
"I'm going home then. My road has come. See you tomorrow! Bye!", I said & went towards my house. Stevven & I were relatives, so dad was very much relieved that I was walking with him rather than Vixxon. I hugged dad & waved a bye to Stevven.
"Bye!", he replied & went to his house.
I saw dad quite happy today.
"What is it dad? Why are you so happy?", I asked him.
"You can't believe who has come!", he said with a surprise.
"Why who is it?", I asked him, just then my eyes went towards a lady. A lady, who was the prettiest woman in the planet. It was my mom! I didn't even say a word & ran towards her. I hugged her so tight so that I can never let her go. I met my mom once in 2 years as my mom is the Alpha female. She goes to other packs to train the younger wolves & teaching the pack to obey the rules & regulations. I was extremely happy that I met her.
"How is my little wolf doing?", she asked in tears.
"I'm doing fine, how are you? I missed
you so much!", I bursted out in tears.
"I missed you too dear. I got a little gift for you!", she said trying to stop my tears
"I don't want any gifts, I just want you to be with me forever!", I said. I missed my mom a lot. She meant the world to me. How can I live if the world is disappeared.
"You know that I can't do that! It's the matter of our pack. I'm so sorry dear, that I can't be with you like other moms. But I promise that I'll be with you as soon as possible.", she said trying to comfort me.
"Ok I'll stay with dad but you have to visit me! Ok?", I said trying to understand her.
"Yeah definitely!", she smiled. It was the smile that was so cheerful & encouraging.
"Where's my gift?", I asked her trying to forget my tears.
"Oh, it's on the table.", she said.
I went to the table where my gift was. I opened it. It was neatly wrapped in a pink & red gift wrapper. There was a label inside that read,
I'm sorry Genesis, that I can't be with you but I hope you'll like these sweets that I bought for you from Dell's & Escobar's Island.
Mom bought sweets for me! I always had a room for sweets in my heart. They made me happy & calm, whenever I was angry. I took out a piece to try, it was the most delicious sweet I had ever eaten. It was so tasty. The cashews & sugar made it so delicious.
"Preserve some for dinner also!", she chuckled & told me
"Of course I will! Thank you Mom!", I said with the sweet in my mouth.
"Genesis go & have bath! You must be sweating of garbage!", he yelled
"Ok fine!", I screamed back
"Where are the others?", I asked searching for my siblings.
"They went to the game arcade so they might come home late.", mom said.
"How dare they? They didn't take me!", I frowned.
"Today mom's special!", dad said making me forget about the arcade.
"Yep! I wanna have her tasty food! I'll be down in 5 mins!", I said, excited.
I went to my room, upstairs where I took fresh clothes & my towel. I really did smell like garbage. I went inside the bathroom & turned on the hot water. The fresh hot water was so relaxing. I was singing some of my favorite songs as I was a bathroom singer. I knew that dad could hear my horrible loud voice down, but I still tried to ignore it as I thought dad wouldn't mind it. He was so loving & caring. He took the place of my mom. He learnt cooking for me & even sometimes missed job opportunities because of me! I loved my dad to the core. Since I met my mom once in 2 years, I didn't know what she was like. How her day used to go & how her life was. Everything was so unknown to me. Mom always was so busy in things that she didn't have time for me. Sometimes I used to wonder, 'why does it always have to be mom & not someone else!'. I used to get bullied in school by the popular girls & boys. I just used to ignore it, until Stevven, Vixxon & Vanessa entered my life. Being with them was so much of fun.
I finished my bath & went downstairs to have dinner. Mom was in the kitchen, serving the food to my dad. I quickly took a seat next to my mom. She served me pork belly roast, which was my favorite. I took a taste of it.
"Wow! It's so tasty!", I said.
"Your dad's is better I guess!", she told me.
"Dad's is good too!", I said trying to support dad also.
He laughed & I could see the look on his face of how much he missed mom.
"Your dad's taken pretty much good care of you!", she said
"Yeah, it's me obviously. I can take good care of people you know!", he said. We laughed & ate our dinner. It was now time for the dessert. I went towards the refrigerator where I had kept the sweets. I removed the box & looked anxiously at the box. Something was wrong in it. I ignored my anxiousness & took out a piece from it. I kept it in my mouth & spat it for some reason. It never tasted like before. It was sweet but had a different taste. I was thinking about what taste it was when I realised that it was blood. I screamed & heard my parents coming. But as they were coming the lights went out & the darkness bred in. It started raining heavily with lightning & thunderstorms. I saw if I could see them. But they were nowhere to be seen. The refrigerator's light illuminated the dark hall. I kept the sweets inside & closed the door of the refrigerator. I was nyctophobic & searched for the light switches. I turned on the nearby light but it wasn't turning on. I was literally scared in fear & almost passing out. I couldn't breath in the darkness present. I was hyperventilating & passed out. When I caught my consciousness, I went around the house. I had a vibe of someone in the house. Where were my parents? What happened to them? Were the questions that were bothering me. I kept reminding myself to be brave but this darkness was keeping me away from it. I turned back to see if there was someone. But there was no one. The moment I turned front I saw a woman. The lightning striked revealing her eyes & skin. It was pale & her eyes were something depicting hell. It was dark black. Her entire eye was black. My heart rate was at infinity. It was beating really fast. She pierced her long nails into my skin, making it to bleed. I screamed as loud as I could, trying to at least wake up my uncles or aunts.
"No one's there here honey! You're in a world where no one can escape. Where nightmares shall bloom & your mind shall be lost.", she said. Her voice was shattered & deep. It was cracking. I was just hypnotized in her eyes. Just then she disappeared. I was confused of where she went. I grabbed my opportunity & summoned Velvette. Velvette came & helped me navigate through the darkness because of her sense of smell. She started sniffing the floor & found the entrance of the house. I went outside & was shocked to see the entire colony empty. It felt like as if I was in a different world. The rain had stopped & now I could see the fires burning some houses. No one was literally here. It felt like as if I was the only habitant in the world. The whole world seemed dark & damp in front of me. I & Velvette went outside the colony to seek for help. Every where it was empty. Some houses were burnt where as some houses were still burning. Just then something struck my mind. Few years ago a meteor struck Heavenearth with loss & damage. Our colony was one of the houses. It was the same scenario that was before. Am I back in time? I looked at my left hand which was still bleeding. Her nail had pierced into my skin completely. It was paining a lot. I tried to compress it to stop the bleeding. It stopped bleeding but was hurting a lot. I went outside the colony & went to Stevven's house as that was near. I reached near his house but found that to be empty as well. Where was Stevven? His house wasn't burnt but I thought he was in his house. I rung the doorbell to see if help opened, but no one opened the door. I didn't know what to do. I went to Jones's house which was far but I made it to his house somehow. No one was there too. I figured that no one was there in this world & that it was only me. I sat in one of the park benches near my  house. I was crying & Velvette came towards me & sat beside me. She was comforting me. I hugged her.
"I don't know what to do Velvette!", I said to her, still hugging her.
"When there's no one in this world but you, you need someone's help!", a man said to me. He sat beside me.
When did he sit here? I didn't feel his presence nor did Velvette.
"How did you---", I said when he interrupted & pushed me down on the bench. He was above me. I screamed but realised that it was worthless. No one would listen to me. He had a knife in his one hand & tried to stab me. Velvette was trying to bite him. The man didn't even scream nor he got scared. I couldn't even use my element.
"Don't think that I'll be scared of a Wolf!", he said & was trying to stab me.
I was trying to stop him with my hands but he was much stronger. I observed a rock under the bench & gave Velvette a signal. She understood me. I kept my hand under the bench & Velvette passed me the rock. I waited for the turn & hit him with the rock.
"Oww!", he screamed with agony. I took my chance & escaped. I turned back & didn't see him. I ran as fast as I could. I reached the middle of the city. It was a complete different situation from the area of my house. The lights of the billboards & some of the houses were visible. I went forward to see more of the houses. The meteor didn't affect the middle of the city. But the question was 'Where was my family?'. I just remembered that Aunt Rose lived in the middle of the city. I knew the location of her house so I went to her house. Luckily she was there! I rang the doorbell & she opened the door. I went inside & explained her the situation I had just been through. Where my family would be & where did they go. She told me to calm down & told me what had actually happened.
"Your parents have gone to the camping!", she told
"The camping? But why?", I asked her in confusion
"You're just 6 Genesis! How can you forget that! You're still underage to go!", she said.
Yes she was correct. I'm back in time which means that I'm still 6. So I'm 11 but she sees me as a 6 year old girl. This was similar to something that I had forgotten. Was I here before? I do remember the meteor incident but this was familiar too. I remembered the words of that woman,
"You're in a world where no one can escape. Where nightmares shall bloom & your mind shall be lost."
I remembered what she exactly meant. The nightmare that I wanted to forget never left my hand. It just struck me suddenly. I had forgotten it but it came back because of where I was. The meteor, the fire burning the houses, the disappearing of my family, the guy who tried to stab me, my visit to aunt rose were all flushing back to that nightmare. I predicted what would be next. In shock I turned front.
It was Aunt Rose trying to kill me.

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