#07 Let Me In

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It was early morning on Sunday, a day when he usually let himself slept in longer. It was early morning on Sunday, the first day after he wrapped up the whole filming and supposed to be a good morning to finally feel free and come back to the safe haven that was his fully equipped living room. It was early morning on Sunday, which supposed to be quiet and serene, especially because he was living alone in his flat. But what were this clink and clank coming from outside of his bedroom?

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Gawin had not even opened his eyes yet, but a frown already decorating his forehead, low growls coming from the back of his throat. He sleepily stretched out his long arms and legs while letting out some even weirder sounds, and resumed to hug a pillow, buried his lips and nose deep into his most favourite fluffy friend after Bell, his cat. Seconds passed and he heard the noises again. Damn it!  He scratched and messed on his hair in stress manner. Slowly opened his eyes to the blinding light coming from the wide glass windows above his head, despite the curtain draped over it. Wait. Above his head? Since when the windows moved to the head of his bed?

Eyes fully opened, Gawin pulled his face away from the comfort of his pillow and started taking in his surroundings. He was still in his bedroom, inside his flat. But why did he lie on the sofa near the windows? And when did he let the curtain opened like this? It was so not him. He saw one pillow under his head and another one in his hug, a comforter covered the half to lower parts of his body. Why was he sleeping on the sofa instead of on his bed?

Clink. Clank. Clunk.

Gawin sighed and decided to check on the weird, annoying sound. He put away the comforter and sat there for a moment to gather back his spirit before he stood up, stretched out once again, and then lazily walked out from his bedroom. Messing on his hair and scratching at his belly, Gawin walked through the small corridor with half-opened eyes, following the source of those sounds. It came from the kitchen. Gawin took a left turn and instantly froze on his track. He stopped even before he reached the kitchen's frame. Something sunk to his stomach. The realization hit him.

Someone was standing near the stoves, back facing him. The person looked so busy with a pot on one side and a frying pan on the other, both a spoon and spatula on his left hand. He was about to take a plate from the dishwasher when he turned around and saw Gawin stood blankly there, watching him.

"Awh? Teūn læw lhò?"    (You're up already?)

Podd asked with a small smile, body instantly leaned back and rested against the kitchen counter, his free right hand moved down and clasped on its edge. He looked comfortable and awkward at the same time. The smile remained when he continued.

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