#02 "Nong Mai Ūan!"

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The North European style striking clock made from black rosewood contrasted the minimalist kinfolk style house

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The North European style striking clock made from black rosewood contrasted the minimalist kinfolk style house. It was a two stories house; a coffee shop downstairs and the owner's home on the second floor. The owner was kind enough to actually let them rent the whole building, hence they used the main bedroom as one of the sets, as P'Sun's room.

Earth was on his way to took his iPad when he saw Gawin was still sitting on the bed, looking all gloomy like he was in some broken heart song's MV.



"Nong Fluke khub?"


Earth then took some careful steps, crab-walking slowly to the bed. He looked half considerate, half silly there.

"I hope I won't scare him too much"

And that was when he stood right beside the bed and tapped on the 22yo, half American, actor's bare shoulder.


"KHUB, PHI?!!!"

The younger looked up in shock, his eyebrows shot up.

Actually, Earth was planning to tease him about the prolonged kiss scene accident. Everyone loved his reactions, thus the endless teasing. But he was discouraged by the look in Gawin's face now. Worry stepped forward first.

"Nong mī alaī lēu pâo?" (Are you okay?)

Gawin let out a breathy quiet laugh. A smile bloomed immediately. His eyes crescent, a hesitant dimple on the right corner of his lips.

"I'm fine. Why do you ask though?"

"Well... it's just... you look..."

Earth was doing all sorts of gestures. Gawin was patiently waiting, eyes blinked and a nod for each of the editor's word. He was desperate to find the right word, but gave up eventually.

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