#04 "Four... It's Four Times"

603 22 63

[ Fun fact: Reading from browser will let the video keep playing in the background ^^v ]

Podd was sitting straight on the sofa. His sight fell on the table in front of him, but his eyes were empty. He hugged himself; right arm bracing his front, while his left fingers busy scratching the material of his pants around his left knee. The movements of his chest were restrained. He was having hiccups. He looked like he just cried really hard. Gawin who was sitting on his right, one and a half meter apart, was having a mix emotions on his face; anger, anxiety, confuse, sad, stress, you name it. He just wanted to leave that damned place already.

Pluem came and stood right in front of them. He paused a moment, looking at the two with wild eyes and furiously exhaled. He then angrily threw the first aid kit box onto the table in front of him, made the two men he loves so much jumped a little on their seat. He looked so done with them.


"I'm done being the mediator. If you guys hate each other that much, then just cut off and end everything here. Seriously, you two are friggin' pain on my neck."

Rain then looked at the two for the last time before he turned around and dashed off from the living room, erratic breaths and angry steps while he climbed the stairs towards his room

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Rain then looked at the two for the last time before he turned around and dashed off from the living room, erratic breaths and angry steps while he climbed the stairs towards his room. Mork looked at his dear friend with apologetic eyes, while the older brother looked like he couldn't care any less. Once Rain disappeared from his sight, Mork slowly looked down on his hands, his fingers moved hesitantly, Rain's words rang in his head. Deep inside, he didn't want everything to end here. No, not this way. But at the same time, he couldn't let his pride get trampled by all the confusing pain he'd been going through this last few months. All the pain that rooted from a certain someone. And he couldn't help but turn his head to his left side, looking at the source of all his miseries. And as if it was a reflex, the older man turned and looked back into his eyes, with his teary eyes, still sobbing. Mork couldn't handle the mental - or heart? - war they were having, so he cut the staring and reached out to the first aid kit on the table.


The set's atmosphere was too quiet. Only the two actors' voice - continuing their dialogues - that filled the Blue Sky Cafe. Maybe because it's 11:30 PM already. Maybe because everyone was so tired and just wanted to go home. Maybe because it was some people's last Q, hence last day to work. Or maybe because of the things that were about to happen.

The radio in P'Ae's hand vibrated before the familiar voice was heard.

"Okay, CUT!"

All the living things in that place finally could move again upon P'Aof's order. Some were inhaling big amounts of air; they didn't even know why they held back their breaths earlier. P'Ae continued.

LET ME INTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang