#(7)The reaveal of the Diary!

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"Let's try."

Fatima and I look at the page very carefully.

"Yes ,it's giving a meaning!"

"Alright,let me write it in my notebook."

She gets a small notebook inside of her bag and also a pen in her hand.

"You say the letters,"she orders like a officer.

I don't mind it and I start saying the letters as she writes.

After writing the letters I look at her notebook.It blows both her and my eyes.It says,

"W H A T I S T H E D E T E C T I V E'
S N A M E ?



"Wait,we should not say our names.I mean it doesn't mean our name.Or it may.Oh I can't find ! " She says raising her hands in the air.

"Yes,it doesn't mean our name.Maybe there must be a detective whom the killer is finding ? "

I And Fathima both get confused.I place my chin between my fingers. She looks at the sky with blunt eyes.

"What else can be? And how will we find it ?"

"Wait! Why don't we visit the neighborhoods of Mr.Rahim? They might know or notice something!"

"Why didn't I get it before! Let's do it!"

I and Fatima both rush to the car and again we go to the victim's house.

"Let's start from the right house."she says.

"Okay,but I prefer left."

"So let's go left."

"No,we can go right."

"Just stop it.Come right."

I walk behind her like a robbot.We reach the house which is just next to Mr.Rahim's house.We click the calling-bell and a young girl opens the door.

"Hello,we are here from the DDUK to ask something about Mr.Rahim,your neighbor."

"Wait a minute please."

she goes inside saying that and she comes back with another woman.This family is also Muslim.We recognize them by their clothes.

The woman gives salam to Fathima as she has recognized her by her hijab.
She replies and welcomes us inside the house.

"Sorry we have to hurry."

"No problem,you can ask straightly what you want."

I am about to ask her,

"Did you see anyone that day in...."
She stops me saying,

"Wait,let me give you some snacks."

"Thank you but we can't.We are doing our job."

"No,you have to.Farah ! Bring some snacks for the guests."

"I hate this ritual of forcing people to eat just for showing some politeness and modesty",

I whisper in Fatima's ear.

"No,you should be grateful of it !"

She whisper back.

"You are talking like my mom!"I again whisper.

What's The Detective's Name?✓ (Editing)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu