4.3.3 One Idea

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The sharp and loud shrill shot through the bathroom door and startled Singto. He rushed towards the bathroom.

"DJ!!! You okie?"


Singto pounded on the door.

"DJ!!! You alright??? Open the door?"

Few moments later, the bathroom door opened, with a glare of light darting out. But the bathroom was dark. The light was off.

A pale looking Joss emerged from the dark, with his phone's torch shining before him.

"What happened DJ? You okie??"

"I'm fine now. The toilet light blackout." Joss replied, half panting.

"Blackout???" Singto is puzzled. The lights outside are all working.

Then, many sudden realisations hit him.

It was not a blackout. He had accidentally switch off the toilet light when the countdown timer went off. DJ is afraid of the dark!! And... the countdown timer....THE RICE!!!!!!!!!

All happening at the same time, Singto did a quick calculation.

First, he grabbed the taller boy, who still seemed to be in anxiety, by the hand and pulled him to the kitchen.

A light burnt smell coming from the pot.

Singto quickly turned off the fire and re-evaluated the situation. It was definitely not a day he had signed up for. Everything is not okie but at least not disastrous.

DJ was obviously breaking out in sweat despite already being back in the light. The kitchen isnt on fire but the rice... is burnt. Maybe still edible. Part of it maybe.

But of course, the priority at this moment is the baby giant, who is still staring blankly and standing frozen.

Singto sat DJ down on the dining chair and put both his hands over DJ's and rubbed them with the pad of his thumbs.

"I am so sorry, I switched off the light by mistake."

Joss slowly returned to his consciousness and shifted his gaze to Jinx.

"Dont have to say sorry. Im just too timid.." Joss dwells in melancholy.

"No! This makes you human. We all have things we are afraid of. I am afraid of balloons. But this is for another time. How are you feeling now?"

"Better... oh. Are you hungry? Let's quickly fix you some food."

The rice was not too badly burnt. With Joss's ingenuity they put the available food together had a light and delicious dinner while watching Netflix.

The unpredictable weather decided it was a good time to drizzle, which made the dinner a little more atmospheric and somewhere romantic.

It was close to 11pm by the time they were done with washing up. The rain had gotten heavier by now. With the wind howling a little stronger. A storm seems to be in plan. DJ was getting ready to head home when Singto stopped him.

"DJ, are you able to sleep tonight after that blackout earlier on? If you dont mind, you can stay with me tonight." it was a platonic and straight forward invitation.

DJ hesitated. He didnt want to impose on his new friend, although he knows he would most likely have a nightmare if he slept alone tonight.

Seeing that DJ made zero reaction, Singto gave his friend a rub on the arm.

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