4.2.2 One Patient

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Singto woke up feeling hungry. He didnt remember what happened hours before except that he was having a headache which is now gone. He looked at his phone. It was almost 3 in the afternoon. He did not remember it was a Sunday but at the back of his mind he knew there was something important planned.

He was feeling better and his stomach was growling. He dreamt of some pork rib soup and even smelled it in his dream.

He stretched lightly and the towel on his forehead fell to his side. He did not remember having the strength to get the towel. He pushed himself off the bed and dazely made his way out of the room.

The smell of pork rib soup became stronger. Perhaps it was his neighbour.

Joss heard shuffling from the bedroom. He put his book down and saw Jinx walking out.

"Hey, you feeling better?"

Singto got a shock. Oh yes. So this is that something important. Oh yes he was the one who texted DJ.

Joss walked over to Jinx. He felt his forehead and cheek. The fever is gone.

The needy sick boy whined.

"I'm hungryyyyyyy... my neighbour's soup smells too good.... Can we order something to eat?"

Joss ruffled Jinx's hair. Jinx went all soft with that gentle touch and leaned forward, forehead plastered to Joss's chest.

The temptation was too great to be resisted. Joss pulled Jinx in for a little hug, rubbing his back gently. He could smell the slight sweat from Jinx's head mixed with the fresh off the laundry smell from the pajamas. Joss wished he could keep that moment forever.

"Come, lets go get the sick and hungry boy some food."

He was so close to giving that sick boy a kiss on the head.

Joss pulled Jinx up and away from himself. Jinx groaned and threw his head back on DJ's chest.

"I am too sick to walk..."

Joss was at a loss. He had taken care of his sick friends before, but none like this one. Well, maybe his exes. They were needy and demanding. But they were his exes. A kiss here, a hug there, some cuddles here, some massages there. These were all natural for couples. But it is totally different with Jinx. He didnt want to be mistaken as taking advantage of him. Especially with Jinx being heterosexual, Joss really had to be very careful.

"Hey, I cant bring you food if you do this... come on, be good."

"Hmpphhh you are so tall and strong. Piggy back me to the sofa. My dad always piggy back me when i was young...."

"So i am your father now?"

"Nooo.... My dad is not as tall. Come on... piggy back me... please...."

Joss was defeated again. He turned around and bent down. Jinx chuckled like a baby and hopped onto his ride.

(okie no sexual innuendo intended!!)

Joss put Jinx down on the sofa and brought him the soup which he had been boiling for hours. The house was filled with the light aroma of white peppercorn.

"You made this? Not my neighbour? Wow... i wish you were my neighbour... no no. i wish you were my housemate." Jinx commented cutely as the bowl of soup was brought to him.

"It's still hot, be careful. I wanted to make you pork porridge but i realize you dont have rice... so i added some tofu and carrots. They should be soft enough."

"My hands are sore... can you feed me?"

"... Are you always like this when you are sick?" Joss laughed softly.

"Oh sorry.. Am i being a nuisance?" Singto looked up apologetically. He had probably gotten too comfortable, without realizing DJ might have been irritated.

"Oh no no no no no no, you're fine. It was a...a ..an innocent question. I.. I... i'll feed.. Feed you... of course." Joss didnt want Jinx to feel bad. He picked up the spoon and scooped up some soup to stop Jinx for being paranoid.

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