3. Two Noodles

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"...and you look for the first signs of trouble.

Love that movie.

Hello fellow food...

Just in case you were wondering, nope i did not edit my profile to match yours.

Pure coincidence! Are those your cats?"


Joss toggles between the inbox and sender's profile. He is tempted to believe it is a troll account by looking at the similarities between their profiles. But something in this guy's photos tell him that this is a trustable account. Must be the cat. Cat lovers can't be bad people, right?
Nothing to lose. Just making friends. Besides, Joss has no extra money for tales like "my grandmother is sick and needs money for operation" or "the buffaloes at home died and we need to buy new ones".

With that decision made, Joss clicks on 'Reply'.

Mama MooSap says:

"Oh hey Wow. Is this some kind of serendipity? Is that what they call it?
And i am impressed. That you know the second line to that quote. Unless you googled then i'm going to take back half of that compliment. The other half is for the effort.

yes that two brats are my dad's other kids. Derp and Jager. Miss them so much now. I see that you have a cat too?

By the way, are you Thai too?"


It didnt take too long for Singto to see the notification. Maybe five days?
He had forgotten all about the app and had been busy settling down in Singapore. It was Plustor who asked him if there was any follow up.
Singto was shocked to see a flood of messages in his inbox. Ignoring all other messages, He scrolled until he saw that familiar name.

Joss's reply stirred up Singto's interest. Seems like an easy going person. Singto decides to reply even though the other dude could be gay. Just making friends, Singto reminded himself.

BahMee MooDaeng says:
Hey there, sorry for taking so long to reply. I just arrived in Singapore few days ago and was busy settling in. The weather is killing me.
Although it's not any better in Bangkok ← did this answer your question? 555
Yeah im Thai. when you said 'too', does that mean we are fellowmen?

So which one is Derp? They look like they want to escape from you. 555 j/k.
That's not my cat. I wish i could keep one. But i am here now. So.. maybe next time.

As for the quote.. I didnt have to google. I know this better than i can fry an omelette. Haha so i am keeping the whole compliment. THANK YOU  *winks*

Are you here for holiday?

Joss jumped at the notification. He had dozed off while reading The Alchemist. It's not that the book is boring. In fact he loved it so much, it's his third time reading. He just had a tiring day, running around to get things done and was reading to kill time. He was waiting for Boss's call. But that notification isnt from Boss. Joss's got mail.

A smile forms on Joss's face voluntarily. He doesnt want to waste any second. So he quickly sent a short reply, hoping the other guy is still online.

"Hey man!"

He waits.... 

Joss cant explain what he is experiencing. Maybe he is glad he has a fellow Thai friend in Singapore. Maybe he feels a sense of security. Maybe he is just happy that there is finally someone whose reply isnt a simple 'dtf', which he had gladly deleted and blocked.

Joss eyes widened when he sees a new message in the inbox.

"Hey fellow noodle! You're online too!"

And this marks the beginning of the many late night chats...


a really short and quick update.

the next few chapters will be their chats.

stay home everyone. and stay safe!
im in a one-month 'lock down'. they refuse to use the word lock down. but everything is told to stop operation for the whole of april.

okie will update again tomorrow.

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