4.3.2 One Switch

185 16 13

Singto could have gone home after work but hs labmates noticed he seemed distracted and tired. They told him to go home early since there wasn't much to be done that day but he insisted on staying.

It was after much persuasion by his mentor that he reluctantly packed his belongings and left the lab. But he didnt go home right away. There was nothing for him to do anyway and he was afraid that the confined space would force him to confront his new-found loneliness.

Maybe going for a long walk would help.

Few bus stops away from his lab is a coast. Sad people always like the sound of the sea. It is as if the water was crying on their behalf.

Singto found a sheltered pavilion. There were not many people around. In fact there were just two three random joggers and a person walking her dog while video chatting with someone else. He resisted the urge to pick up his phone.

He sat in the same position despite the numbness. He did not move an inch. Even his eyes were fixed on the same spot for as long as he was there. Boats passed by, more people jogged past. Some kids were cycling, more dogs were walked. Some people came to fish. But his eyes registered none of these.

The sun set. It was forgettable. Not that he minded. He seemed to have made up his mind about something. He picked up his bag, looked at the big wide waters and gave a long sigh before leaving.

He walked past a food center and his stomach growled, as if it was never a part of him and didnt know he was in no mood for food. He walked around the food center in a daze and walked out absent-mindedly. His stomach can wait. Nothing is more important than nursing his sorrow right now.

His foot brought him to the bus stop. Maybe he should go home. He was tired and wanted to just lie down and sleep everything off. Yet another part of him wanted to stay in crowded places. That way he couldnt let emotions overwhelm him. So that the water in his eyes would remain inside.

The bus came and he boarded. The bus ride suddenly seemed too short. He arrived too quickly. Needing reasons to stay out a little longer, he walked into the convenient store aimlessly, picking up everything he touched then putting it back. He stood in front of the chocolate shelf as the second hand wiped the clock face thrice. He picked up a pack of Kinder Bueno and headed to the cashier.

The small clock behind the cashier reads twenty past eight in the evening. He had been loitering for four hours.

He strolled towards his condo with the bar of chocolate still intact in his hand. What was a 5 minutes walk took him 10.

He was almost at the gate when he noticed two stray cats playing. His lips curled up immediately. He quickened his steps gently and squatted by the cats. He stretched his hand out to pat the orange one. The furkids stopped their game, darted their eyes at him and leaped off, leaving the dejected boy all alone again. He dusted off some soil that got on his pants while his eyes trailed the two cats. He wanted to run after them. At least he would have something to do. A real reason to stay out. But he had already decided at the pavilion earlier on that it was time to stop acting childish and needy.

He stood up, ruffled his own hair, took in a deep breath and entered the building.

He walked through the lobby towards the elevator when a voice called out.


Singto stood rooted, back facing the voice. Only one person calls him that way.

The owner of the voice caught up and tapped him on the shoulder.


It was indeed that person. His words got caught in his throat.

"Jinx... are you alright? I was worried."

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