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"What the hell were you thinking!? You are 17 years old Athena. You're not even an adult yet! What happens if someone requests you? The reputation of this club will fall into ruins for Mr. Styles because of your stupidity!"

I groaned out loud, throwing my head back as Valerie started scolding Harry and I as we both sat down on his black leather couch in his office.

She stood over the two of us, her choice of clothing making her look like one of my old high school teachers.

Was this really how she dressed when she went to her classes?

I wonder how many people mistaked her as a hot professor...

At least she gave the two of us a chance to change back into our clothing before going off on us.

I don't know how well she could've kept her game face on with the both of us basically naked and Harry's dîck chilling out in that red thong.

I know that I would have a hard time focusing on Valerie's life lesson scolding while Harry's bare glittery tattooed chest was staring me in the face.

He really does clean up well and earns the right to be the owner of this club and the hundreds more he has.

He did change it up a bit from the first time I saw him, however, but I wasn't complaining.

He put on a pink button up instead of the usual white or black I've seen him wear while in the club.

It was extremely sexy since he had the first couple buttons undone this time and he was actually wearing a gold cross that laid perfectly on his chest hair.

It was extremely sexy since he had the first couple buttons undone this time and he was actually wearing a gold cross that laid perfectly on his chest hair

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"Athena! I'm talking to you, are you even listening?"

I actually felt like I was back in school and this was the exact reason why I left it so I wouldn't have to deal with the scolding ever again.

But here we are.

"Valerie please, I needed a dancer for the routine and I know that your education will always come first. Athena is the only one besides your other sister Vixen who watches you practice. She knew your moves. I need the closest thing to you. Don't be mad at Athena, I basically begged her and wouldn't leave until she agreed"

Oh, so he was just using me then?

Typical aśshole Harry Edward Styles.

Why am I actually not that surprised?

"Don't worry sis. I won't let him pull anything like this ever again. He's really not worth it"

I glared over at him who was already staring at me with a confused expression.

"Well... as long as you've realized that this was wrong then I don't think I have to yell at you anymore. As for you Mr. Styles, if you wish to continue to have me as a dancer in your club then I suggest you leave my sister out of your business. At least until she's turned 18 that is, after that I really don't have much of a say in the matter. Now if you'll excuse us, I have to get dressed and Athena needs to meet up with your driver and go home"

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