Chapter 29 - If You Know Where To Look

Start from the beginning

"Thank you for viewing my work, Alkanos?" She said, unsure if she should use just his name or add on his title.

"Anytime," he said with a nod. "Since the deadline is next week, you are more than welcome to stay in the palace. Your response won't impact you being chosen or not. It's just so you don't have to travel so much."

"Thank you for the exceptionally kind offer, but I was planning on staying at the guild's headquarters."

Alkanos nodded saying "Well then, I'll tell the guards to let you pass unhindered through the gates. So you can come and go as you wish."

"Thank you." She replied.


That afternoon, The Royal Weather Readers, reported that the weather was to become bitterly cold and that it would hopefully warm up in about two week's time.

In response, Alkanos ordered for any exposed floors in the palace, if deemed safe, to be covered carpets, regardless of style and pattern.

He also ordered for thick curtains to cover the windows. And for any tapestry's that was in storage to line the walls.


A few days later, Alkanos awoke early before the dawn, one morning. He hadn't slept much that night, the possibility of not being prepared for an attack, weighed heavily on my mind.

He lay in his bed, staring at the scrollwork carved ceiling. Even under his blankets, he could still feel the chill.

He sighed and sat up. "Worrying about it isn't going to make it any better...I wonder."

Alkanos got up and got dressed, he needed to look something up.


The palace library was deserted, when Alkanos entered, carrying a lantern.

The packed bookcases took up two floors of the palace and wrapped around the room.

He ran a hand through his hair. "Where do I begin?" He muttered.

He had been in the palace library only a few times, and was still unsure, exactly where stuff was. Not wanting to rouse, the palace librarian, out of bed, Alkanos decided to do his own searching, even if it took him until breakfast.

He searched the shelves on the first floor. Most of the book's spines were unlabeled, and so we're the sections.

"Correction," Alkanos said, sitting the lamp on a close-by table. "This will probably take me past breakfast."


Alkanos yawned and stretched. He had been looking for hours and had just found the section containing journals of the past Kings and Queens. The early morning days of sun, shown trough a high stained-glass window.

He ran a hand over his face, his fingers brushed the early stages of stubble. Even though Alkanos was old enough to shave, he only really had to shave about once a week.

Alkanos picked up a journal that had been his father's last one. As he thumbed through the yellowing pages, he noticed that his father had been in a sound state of mind, even after he became sick.

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