"Faith and Henry have not come. I called Faith like ten minutes ago and she said they're just leaving their house. " Faith and Henry were siblings so we expected both of them
"But Juwon is drumming for the choir"

"Okay, me I'm going to pray before mass starts "

"Hmm, Holy Mary. I've heard o. Me too, let me go and call those my ye yeye   siblings.  Only God knows why I'm the first born " Clara said and walked away while I went into the church.  I genuflected as I entered and went to the Christmas crib where the scene of Jesus' birth was displayed using small statues as Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus, Shepherds,  the wise men and the animals.

I stared at the scene before me and thought about so many things. The God we worship came down as man, as a baby. Humility.
If dad was God, would he be this merciful and kind or just as strict. Mum had always tried to let me respect him and make me see that he loved me but it's as if after the incident at school, she even wanted me to hate him. I looked at the statue of Joseph. The man was only a foster father to Jesus yet he loved him and protected him but my father was my father yet he left me vulnerable,  open to abuse.
Maybe he's not my father.  Maybe he just needed a wife and child. Maybe,  maybe or maybe I was really spoilt but I know I didn't deserve rape or abuse.

How did I end up like this? 
From a confident little girl to one who is afraid of her own father. Afraid of boys? 

The scene of Mr Obi's attempt replayed in my head and I cringed. But then, I was thankful I escaped. Only God knew how I felt and how I cried and he heard that cry.  Mr Obi might still be in Dayfort but I had my God to protect me wherever I go. I had him to shield and uplift me. I had him to rescue me.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I admitted what I denied earlier on.
I was scared,  terrified.  What if he tried again?  What if I can't even pray or do anything?

"Eh hem "

I jumped at the sound

"It's okay, it's me "

Foolish boy.

I turned back and frowned
"Juwon, you scared me"

He laughed "Scared you in a public place "

"Yes "

He tucked his hands into the pockets of his black trousers and stared at me in silence , his Adam's apple moving up and down bumping the dark skin on his neck as he gulped.

I was getting uncomfortable , last time someone looked at me like that........

"Mass will soon start.  I'm going " I said and he frowned

"Mass starts in twenty minutes "

"The more reason I have to go "

"Jasmine. ." He said my name like a whisper

"Juwon, we are in the church. Next to the crib of baby Jesus and you're looking like this. It's not my name that all those CWO women will use to gossip "

He chuckled and got serious
"After Mass "

"What's happening then?" I said and he looked at me like he expected more than that.

I shook my head and walked away.


I found mum sitting in one of the pews in the middle row. I walked to her and sat in silence

"Where were you? We were standing outside and you just disappeared "

"I'm sorry ma. I was at the crib side "

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