Hades Wins the World Record for Holding a Grudge

Start from the beginning

"Really?" Nico asked.

Bianca nodded. "But, you know, Mamma loved Papà so much. She'd want this for him, she'd want him to be happy and move on, even if she was jealous. Because that's what love is: putting people before yourself." She looked up at Nico. "I should've realized that. I never should've left you alone, not after I found out about the video."

Nico had wanted to hear that apology for a year. But, to his surprise, once she said it, all the resentment he'd built up went away. His eyes were finally open. "You needed to find out who you were," Nico said. "It was my fault too. I kept saying I didn't need anyone but you, but that's a lot of pressure to put on you. You were selfish for a year. I was selfish for six."

Bianca grabbed both of his hands. "Well, let's not be selfish anymore, then. Let's go downstairs and put on a brave face. I think it's time we moved on, too."

Nico pulled her into a hug. "You're right," he said. "Let's do it."

Hazel was right. Papà was one big bundle of nerves. It wasn't enough that most people would notice--like Nico, he was pretty good at hiding his emotions--but little things like the way he kept tapping his fingers on his knee gave it away. It was a little cramped in the limo with all three di Angelos, Persephone, Hazel, Demeter, Will, Luke, Thalia with a sleeping Elizabeth on her lap, and Persephone's wedding dress hanging in the back, which took up enough space to count as a person. But the limo was made for twelve people, so Nico didn't bother to complain. It was the ultimate first-world problem: my limousine usually has enough space for all of us to lie down, what a tragedy we actually have to sit up straight.

Papà didn't speak, but Persephone happened to speak more when she was nervous. And, of course, there was Demeter being Demeter. By the time they arrived at the Olympus Empire Country Club, Papà looked like he was ready to snap.

Bianca definitely noticed it too. "Persephone, Hazel and I can help you and Demeter with your wedding dress. We should probably get going."

"Is it so late already?" Persephone looked on the verge of tears.

"What do you expect with those di Angelo children lollygagging around?" Demeter criticized.

Papà's jaw clenched. "Now, Demeter--"

"Yeah she's totally right!" Nico said quickly. He really didn't want an argument. "I'm always late for everything, right Will?"

"Yeah!" Will agreed readily. "I'm always getting on his case about it!"

"At least you're with someone sensible," Demeter huffed. Papà rolled his eyes. Persephone mouthed 'thank you' to him. 'Anytime,' he mouthed back.

They got out of the limo without another incident. There was already press waiting outside the doors. As soon as the di Angelo/Levesque clan came into view, cameras started flashing and people started shouting questions.

"Is there no security around here?" Papà snapped.

"They won't be allowed inside, everything will be fine," Persephone told him, but she didn't sound so sure of it herself.

Nico shielded his face from the lights as they walked to the doors. He heard multiple questions shouted at him, most of them with the word "gay" in it. He was slightly offended. He'd spent years robbing stores, smoking pot illegally, and getting into fistfights, and that was what the world decided was the biggest scandal?

There's more to me than my sexuality, idiots. If you're going to harrass me, at least make it about something I fucking did.

They made it past the animals. The building was huge, with chandeliers, high ceilings, and grand staircases. Papà glared at the empty security desk. He looked like he was ready to kill a man.

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