Bianca's No Good Very Bad Day

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More trouble arises during Bianca's first week of school.


Word Count: 2660
Content Warning: None

I'm posting today because I'm spending tomorrow with my boyfriend and I don't think I'll have time to post.

And, welcome back Oli as a beta! Super excited to have her back now that her school's over.

So, I forgot to post last week. I actually do have a good reason why, though. I've been incredibly busy setting this up...

Some of you have kept saying I should be a writer. Well, you're getting your wish! Coming June 30th: A Deadly Game of Chess, a new musical written and composed by me and produced by Rose and Matik Productions, my new production company! If you live in or around Fairfield, CT, you should totally come to the show. It's also a charity fundraiser for Circle of Friends, who works with special needs kids and adults to give them social interaction, jobs, and a support system they don't often get. Tickets are $15, $10 for kids/students under 21. DVDs are $15.

Our website is, and you can buy tickets at this link ( We're also on FaceBook, Instagram, and Twitter as @adeadlygameofchess. And if you can't come but you want a DVD of the show, please contact me at

Here's the synopsis:

London, 1938.

The 19-year-old Anton Lehrer has found a home after years on the run. But, when his best friend Robyn returns from an extended stay in New York, she discovers just how fake his perfect life is. What starts as a offer of help quickly spirals out of control as these two master manipulators turn their friends to chess pieces and truth itself into a weapon. Everyone has a dark secret to hide. You can't outrun who you are... especially when the one you love has a knife to their throat. (for ages 12 and up)

Please come if you can, and get a DVD if you can't! The more people I can share this with, the more likely I'll be able to put it on again, and the more likely I'll be able to pursue this career professionally.

And all the characters are owned by Rick Riordan.

I'm going to take over now, Nico.

Go ahead.

So the beginning of phase two didn't go according to plan. When Nico ran into the house, Will made a move to go after him, but Percy held him back. "You need to give him time to cool off," he explained.

Persephone looked hurt, but, to her credit, she didn't say anything more than, "Hades warned me he'd be tough. Why don't you three go inside; I'll make sure the movers stay out of your way."

So, we did. Will gawked at everything he saw. I knew he didn't have a lot of money; this was probably the first time he'd ever been inside a mansion. We made our way into the kitchen, where Hazel was munching on some cheese and crackers. Her eyes were glued to the laptop in front of her, and there were headphones in her ears.

I waved at her to get her attention. Her eyes lit up when she saw me. She pulled the earbuds out and ran to give me a hug. "Bianca! It's been so long!"

I laughed. "It's good to see you, Hazel. Still making your way through The Hunger Games?"

"Yup!" she said gleefully. "I'm on the last few chapters of Mockingjay--I'll let you know when I'm done, I'm so excited to talk about it with you! Peeta's character arc is--" she cut herself off. She looked at Percy and Will with guilt. "I'm so sorry, I'm excluding you from the conversation. I'm Hazel."

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