Part two; 2:1

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Song; Have you ever seen the Rain.

¥• Joaquín •¥

               The day I held my mother lifeless body in my arms everything I hated about her raised up on the surface.
Every fuxking Fucked up words you can think of ran in my brain. 
Right then I knew I hate her even more! 
Because she wasn't scared of death, she stared at it directly in the eyes like bad cop. Death was scared of her.
But Some where down the line she trusted someone she wasn't supposed to or she didn't kill someone who was supposed to be dead.
Death came to get what belong to only him.
Thoughts ran in my mind taking me back as if it happened yesterday but why ?
Because I       I
Was made from her ultimate sin - lust.

The memory constantly played in my fuxking brain like a broken fucking record with same fuxking song 'Vivir Sin Aire' playing as I re-live the dreadful nightmare.
Loud sounds of primal grunts, screaming and crying filled the air as pain and anger filled every single inch of my jacked off fuxking body.
But soul lead while my eyes followed the one person who shared every single pain I did.
Everything happened in slow almost frozen motion as if we shared are single ticking second clicking.
The clock haunted us as everyone around us moved faster than our shared brains.
My eyes shared the same expression as her eyes widely opened showing the fire of pain in her green eyes that mimicked the woman we both loved and hate.
Her body ran towards me as my own father stood frozen on the spot filled of shock.
His arms extend forward as I slid to grab her before she touched the ground.
His eyes solely focus on the stain on his first ever wore suit.  A man who never wore a suit just as he never seen a life being taken before his eyes.   His brain couldn't comprended the idea of death in your hands until now.
Victoria and I weren't to far from my parents dancing when my sorber of eyes noticed a shiny sliver sparkle glare.
My eyes turn following the ray of light as I then realize it was aimed directly at the first woman I ever love and hated.

My body instantly reacted pushing Victoria down to the ground as I based ran to my ultimate goal. My mother.
The music sounded out the silent shot as it enter her body and hit a speaker.
Muting out the sound of happiness replacing with screams of hell. My father still held the happiness of his face as he had just finished spinning her body around to their song.
And what felt like hours he finally dropped to the ground realizing the woman of his dreams was no longer where she belong.

My mom smile and loving glitz of happiness still linger on her face.
"I love you and Mia... y'all were both my best challenge and my best Triumphhhhhh."
Were the Last words I ever heard.
Which made me hated her even more.
I hate her because once again she broke her promise to never leave me again.
I finally felt the one thing I have been hiding -my demon.
I let my demon Guide my gun to the body who owned the Shiny light not caring who was in the way.
As my fingers pushed the trigger for the thousand time all that was heard as the time now seem to have speed up to present time was screams. I dropped my gun while my hand openly impacts her face slapping her to existence. 

"You Can't fuxking do this to Me you selfish BITCH! If you leave me again I will fuxking hate you even more! Can't you fuxking wake up and stop thinking about YOU!"

Big arms came around me lifting off my mother's body as I felt my body up in the air with force.
This filled my body with rage as my hands now reached for my second gun aiming at the person responsible for removing from my spot.
And once again the sound echo of gun shot mixed with a loud fallen tree sound answering the question if a tree falls in the forest and no one around will make a sound?
The loudest most memorable sound you can never forget.
Because I shotted Perez
With no remorse
No guilt or pain.
He drop like the biggest tree in forest as pitchy loud banshee like screams now filled the air
Her scream echo in room as glass can be heard breaking.
I looked to turn away from Perez body looking at my sister dropping to her knees next to my own father as he held my mothers dead body in his arms.
He wrapped one of his arms around Mia as other held my mother against his chest.
Tears of blood seemed flow out of Mias' eyes
My heart broken again 'That's my father
Mine!  I pointed the gun at my father head as he broken eyes couldn't break anymore than now.
"Do it."
He quietly says Just enough where I understood him but Mia couldn't hear.
He wanted me to kill him, fuxk why not I just killed the man who I saw as a father.

I drop the gun as I kneeled next to my mothers dead body.
"Pppplease mommy I will do what ever I swear come back for me."
For a moment I was nine year boy crying for my mother to come back home just like when she abandoned me to the Swap lakes of the south.
I was same nine year old boy who was on his knees begging god or who ever to be bring her back.
I wasn't adult me but a lost child missing his only connection to this world.

Once again I wore a black suit reminding me of the death and my rightful position in this world

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Once again I wore a black suit reminding me of the death and my rightful position in this world.
The guns all around us reminded me who we are. Instead of my mother holding me it was Mia hand in my own. Remind me of Henry's funeral, ironically that was the day I lost my mother for first time to become the queen of death.
And here we were saying good bye.
Mia wore dark Gucci aviator glasses and white  Flowey dress.  Showing my mother free spirit, She squeeze my fingers tighter as our mother's coffin slowly drop to her final resting place.
To right of Mia was the man who present himself as our father.
The man wore what our mother hated dark jeans and Rail Paisley Pattern cowboy shirt, motherfuker look like he murder a couch.
God I hate him today .
I hate him for many reasons; one for dressing like a hick from a farm and two for making me handle all arrangements until she stepped in.
The woman who replace Muñeca in the dark world .
She stood next to me.
Not Victoria

We buried a woman no one of knew as  Frida Medellin.
Our mother planned her own outcome making sure if her death came things would be exactly how she wanted it done. Making sure Frida died not Grace Collins.
Even in death she knew exactly how she wanted things.
This new Muñeca knew things my own father the love of her life didn't even know.  But I knew exactly how and why she knew these things .
Like many others who stood around us. She was one who was caught in my mother's web of love and lust.  A whisper came from behind me, "The thing about a snake is you never know if there's one hiding in your own backyard."


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