
"Are you lost pup?" Jimin asked in to the empty space.

Jimin is hazy has he wanders through this land of a light mist. He feels airy and weightless. The thought that popped up first was, could he possibly have died? Was the pain too much for his body? But, what happened to his pup?

Jimin stood surrounded by a light filled mist not sure if he should continue walking or stand in place. He truly fears he has died.

"Sigh..... What should I do?"



"Jimin can you finally hear me?"


"I was worried that my healing wasn't working and we would fall into a permanent sleep."

"What happened?"

"Oh Jiminie you fell unconscious due to the trauma and pain. We are in a hospital and I've been working so hard to bring you back. I'm glad your coming back."

"I was stuck wolfie." Jimin cried as he spoke to his wolf. "I was in an endless loop experiencing the pain that Alpha put me through again and again. I was stuck until I saw this mist of light and heard small voices. So I wandered away from the dark memories and pain to search through the light mist. Wolfie it feels weird are you sure I did not die?"

"No Jiminie you did not die. When you open your eyes, our Alpha has much to tell you."

Jimin felt a rush of wind hit against his body causing him to fall backwards. He squint his eyes waiting for his back to be slammed against the misty ground, which never came. As fast as he was pushed backwards into falling with his eyes closed shut, he was then rushed forward.

Jimin felt one with the misty wind as he felt breathless and awoke from his unconscious state gasping for air.

Jimins sudden burst caused his Alpha Jungkook to shoot up in a panic from his sleep.

Jungkook stood there as he was flabbergasted by the sudden burst of life from his omega. Oh he was so happy to see life in his beautiful omegas face.

Jimin, after he had calmed his breathing, took a look around the room taking in his surroundings and guessed that he was in a hospital room based on the machinery and the smell of antiseptic.

Jimins last memory was from the rooftop after that he can't remember anything else.

With a glance around the room, Jimins eyes finally met the Alphas. He was at first completely shock as everything that just happened came rushing back fresh in his mind. He tried to stay strong and hold back his tears.

"Alpha....." Jimin said with a shaky voice.

"Yes my love?" Jungkook responded with a gentle low voice.

"Your love?" Jimin whispered almost inaudible to be heard.

"Yes, that is you my sweet." Jungkook stepped forward and lightly ran his hand across the omegas cheek.

Jimin quickly averted his eyes and tilt his head down as to hide his blush that was caused by the Alphas words.

Jungkook just lightly chuckled at the cute display. He took his thumb and finger to grip onto the omegas chin and turn his face back towards him. As soon as their eyes made contact again, Jungkook leaned closer and whispered.

"No need to look away my love."

Jimin was now a full blown tomato. He didn't know how to react to the sudden extreme lovey dovey behavior of the Alpha. Even though he was taken aback by the Alphas words, Jimin shook off the embarrassment seeing as he needed some answers.

"Alpha, How did we get here?" Jimin asked.

"I carried you." Jungkook kept his voice smooth and gentle.

"What about the scary wolf?" Jimin asked with fear shown within his eyes.

"Don't worry love. He will not be a problem any longer."

" ..... And ...... " Jimin sighed. He was concerned about the pup but, he was also too scared to ask in fear the pup may not have survived.

"The pups are safe." Jungkook answered knowing that was the question Jimin wanted to ask.

Jimin smiled wide. He was so happy his little pup was safe and sound. Then the word suddenly hit Jimin. Jungkook just said "pups" not "pup".

Jimin looked up at Jungkook to make sure he heard right. Jungkook just smiled a big wide bunny smile knowing that his omega just realised that they are going to have more than one pup.

"Pups?" Jimin asked shocked.

With a chuckle Jungkook responded. "Yes, you are pregnant with two pups my love."

Jimin took another minute to let those words sink in before he squealed with happiness.

Jungkook looked fondly upon the happy smile and squeals his omega was emitting. Just how much more adorable can a wolf be? How did he ever get so lucky to have such a beautiful mate in his life.

Jungkook continued to stare as the omega continued his happy fit but, Jimin then was hit with harsh memories. Harsh memories of his body being touched and used by someone other than his mated Alpha.

This caused Jimins face to fall to sorrow and his stomach twisted in knots. Will his Alpha still accept him knowing his body has been defiled by another?


So glad to be back to writing. Sorry it took so long. Thank you all for being patient.

Also much needed shout to kaliousYancy for the awesome book cover she made. Thanks so much.

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