chapter 8

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A week has gone by since the attack on the Sharp Stars. Still no signs of the omegas taken. The Alpha leader's have decided to hold a meeting. It's time to pull in together and find the enemy.


JK had been watching and observing the actions of Sharp Stars for the past week. He is so amused watching them run around looking throughout the city for their omegas. If only they knew JK had took them back to the slums and hidden them at a old house in block 9. Those haughty Alphas just think a wolf within the territories is responsible for the bomb and kidnapping. So funny that they never even considered to check outside the cities.

It was lunch time so the alpha got up to go grab a tray of food to take to Jimin. Over the week every time someone other than JK took Jimin his food he wouldn't eat.

"For some reason the omega only ever eats if I'm the one to bring the tray of food. So annoying why can't the omega just eat without me having to waste my time taking him his meals."

JK always has conflicted feelings about this situation. He uses harsh and mean words towards the omega, but at the same time he wishes to cuddle with the boy and take in his sweet scent.

"What nonsense! I will not waste anymore time being around Jimin than I have to be."

JK reached Jimin's room. He barged right in and walked over to the table and sat the tray down.

Jimin jerked up as he heard the door barge open.

"Why is this Alpha so rough?" Jimin said in his thoughts.

Jimin watched as the alpha sat the tray on the table and he motioned for jimin to come over and sit. Without hestating Jimin hastily moved over to the table and chair. He knew by now that if he didn't hurry the alpha would treat him more harshly and spew nasty words at him.

Quickly eating his food all gone, Jimin looked up at the alpha for the first time. All the other times Jimin just stole quick glances of the wolf. He examined the features of the Alphas face. Jimin thinking to himself that this wolf really is handsome, but still so cruel.

Jimin decided today was the day he would be brave and ask a question. He was terrified. He doesn't want to be hit or worse.

JK glanced at the omega seeing that he was staring at him from across the table.

Jimin took in a deep breathe then spoke.

"Why am I here?"

Jungkook was shocked that the omega actually spoke. Jimin has not let his voice be heard once since he has been kidnapped. Jungkook really liked the sound of the omegas voice. It was soft and tender. JK decides to answer the question just so he could hear the omega speak again.

"To bring down the Sharp Stars Mafia."

Jimin looked shocked and then asked another question.

"Who are you?"

"I'm JK."

The two stared at each other in silence. There was no awkwardness to the atmosphere. Quit the opposite. They both felt comfortable in each other's presence.

Jimin pulled up the courage to ask one last question.

"Where is my hyung and tae tae?"

Jungook frowned he didn't like the omega asking about other's. He wanted the young ones attention all on him and no one else.

"No need to be concerned about others little one."

Jungkook stood up with the tray and walked to the door. He turned around and took one last glance at the omega. His heart fluttered in a way he didn't know how to feel about. He then turned and left the room.

Jimin slumped down in the chair. He was so disappointed that he still does not know what happened to his hyung and friend. His thoughts also traveled to his father. He is scared that harm is about to be fall everyone that he loves at home. Jimin decided to go back over to his bed once again. Laying back down. Jimin is tired of being tired. He has never felt such fatigue before. Slowly his eyes close again. Sleep befalls Jimin and his mind wanders to dreams of him and JK.

In his dream they are hugging and cuddling. Their is laughs shared. Sweet nothings are spoken. Kisses between them. The alphas scent. What a masculine scent. A scent of fresh rain. Jimin loves that scent. Jimin jerked awake. Embarrassed by his own dream. Jimin is bright red across his whole face. Jimin burrowed his face into the pillow.

Jungkook was sitting in a meeting with Namjoon and Suga, but all he could think about was the omega. His sweet scent, beauty, and tender voice. He wants to run back and snuggle with Jimin.

No! My concentration is to be on this Mafia game. No wolf shall get in my way.

Jungkook turned his attention back to Namjoon and Suga.

"Let's take out Alpha Gray now," says JK.

"How so?" Asks Namjoon.

Jungkook puts on a sly smile.

"We will send him a message, telling him if he wants his sons he will have to come meet me himself."

"What's the plan?" Asks Suga.

Suga looks at Jungkook waiting to be told his instructions.

"The message will tell Gray to meet us at the warehouse that sits right on the border of the slums and The five Hands territory. He must come alone. We will make sure to have someone follow him before he even leaves his house. We will not take any chances of him sneaking some men along. He thinks he will come for negotiations of receiving his sons back, but no. We will kill him and use him as an example to the others. Either follow us or be eliminated like Gray."

Namjoon was quit shocked at how ruthless JK is being, but he already chose to follow him as his Alpha leader.

Suga was not the least bit shocked with JK's plan. He was ready to begin killing.

"Suga go ready men. Some to be placed along the driving route Gray will take, one to follow his car, and place some around the warehouse. Namjoon ready surveillance. I want you tracking all moves around the mansion. I'm gonna go for a walk. I'll be back before it's time to take Jimin his dinner."

JK leaves Namjoon and Suga to their tasks. He wants to start a walk to observe the surroundings. He is always alert just incase someone happens upon their hideout.

Is Jimin falling for Jungkook?

Will Jungkook allow himself to fall for Jimin?

Alpha Gray will be receiving the message soon. What will he decide to do?

Hello again Lovely People. Thanks so much for sticking to this story. I hope everyone is able to follow the story line. Thanks for reading.

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