Chapter 16

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"Ah. Right there Joon."

"You feel so good Jin."

Namjoon was moving slow savoring every movement as he thrusted into Jin. His omega is the sexiest thing alive.


Jin's bedroom door bursted open. Namjoon quickly got off Jin and covered himself and Jin with a blanket.

"Hey Namjoon ....." Jungkook was shocked at the the scene he came upon.

"What the fuck man!" Namjoon yelled at Jungkook.

"You should learn to lock the door. You have to take Jimin his meals today. I told Jimin if he eats well he can eat dinner with Jin. I'm leaving now bye." Jungkook spoke quickly and jetted away closing the door behind him.

"Learn to fucking knock." Namjoon shouted and threw a pillow towards Jungkook hitting the door since he was fast to close it.

Namjoon looked at Jin who had clear shock and embarrassment shown on his face.

"Hey sweety I'm sorry about the idiot." Namjoon pulls Jin into a hug.

"It's okay Joon." Jin snuggled into Namjoons chest.

"Let's get up and go ready breakfast. We won't tell Jungkook, but let's just get your brother and all go eat in the kitchen together."

Jin grew the biggest smile across his face and rushed to the bathroom as fast as he could. Namjoon was chuckling then heard the bathroom door open with Jin rushing back towards him.

"Thank you," Jin said with a smile and gave Namjoon a kiss on his check. Jin then quickly ran back to the bathroom to get dressed.

"How did I get such a sweet omega?" Namjoon said to himself as he held his cheek. After a mintue of thinking about the kiss Namjoon got up and headed to the bathroom as well to get ready for the day.

~time skip~

"Namjoon! Stop!" Jin yelled and ran across the kitchen to stop Namjoon with the knife. The Alpha was about to seriously injure himself because he was holding the knife blade up.

"Seriously Alpha how old are you and you can't properly hold a kitchen knife." Jin was so scared to have Namjoon try and help with preparing breakfast after that fiasco.

The Alpha was placed on a stool at the kitchen island was instructed by Jin to not move from that spot. He was only now allowed to observe as Jin did all the cooking.

"You look amazing as you cook," Namjoon said looking at Jin with heart felt eyes.

Jin said a shy thank you and blushed by the alphas compliment.

"Okay all done. Can we go get Jimin now?" Jin asked with enthusiasm.

"Yes sweety we can go get Jimin now."

Jin grabbed Namjoon by his hand and started running down the hall.

Knock knock

Jin opened the door to Jimins room.

"Jimin it's time for breakfast," Jin said to his little brother.

"Jin Hyung!" Jimin ran across the room and attached himself in a big hug to his Hyung.

"I wasn't suppose to see you yet though." Jimin was so happy to see his brother way before dinner time came around.

Namjoon stepped into the room which caused Jimin to flinch and take a step back. He was afraid they were about to be in trouble because it's not dinner time and Jin is here in his room.

"Jimin no need to be afraid. This is my mate Namjoon. He decided that we can spend the day together. It's our secret though okay. Who knows what the mean boss would do if he knew."

"Your mate? But Jin hyung that wolf was the one that first threatened me and put me in here. I don't like him." Jimin said whispering to Jin.

"No need to be scared of me Jimin. I will not cause harm to you or Jin. So let's talk down in the kitchen and eat breakfast. Okay." Namjoon was upset that his presence caused discomfort, but he really won't hurt the young omega. If he ever did he would hurt Jin deeply by doing such a thing.

The three were sitting in the kitchen enjoying breakfast and simple conversations, until Jimin couldn't hold back anymore. He wanted to know why they are being held captive and what's happening with their dad.

As Jimin fell silent because of his thoughts, Jin was looking at his brother with concern seeing the turmoil on Jimins face.

"What is it Jimin?" Jin asked.

"Hyung I know you found your mate and are happy, but we were still kidnapped. We have been captive here for too long. Where is dad?" Jimin was looking down at his lap as tears started to form in his eyes.

"Oh, Jimin honey I know. I don't know the reasons either of our kidnapping." Jin went over to Jimin and was hugging him for comfort.

Namjoon sat their in silence. He doesn't know if he should tell the two omegas the truth or lie to protect their emotional and mental state of minds. How is he suppose to tell them that everyone at their home will soon be eliminated and by that term meaning killed.

Jin finally looked to Namjoon and with pleading eyes asked. "Joon, can you tell us anything?"

Namjoon sighed.

"Honestly sweety I don't think it's best for you to know the truth."

Jin nodded his head to Namjoon. He wants to know as bad as Jimin, but he will wait. It's better this way for Jimin to not know.

After breakfast Namjoon took both omegas to Jins room. He had set up a tv with some movies and snacks.

Jin and Jimin were overjoyed with what the Alpha prepared.

"I have to go work for awhile. I will be back in a few hours then we can all cook lunch together." Namjoon says to the omegas who were already making themselves comfortable together on the bed.

"Okay Joon." Jin reached out arms asking for a hug before the alpha leaves.

Namjoon chuckles at his omegas cute way of asking for a hug. He walks over giving a hug and nuzzle to Jin before taking his leave.

As Jin and Jimin were cuddling to together watching a movie, Jimin broke the silence by asking Jin another question.

"Jin hyung?"

"Yes Jimin."

"Do you think dad is looking for us?"

"Of course Jimin. He loves so much. Why wouldn't he be looking for us." Jin stated to Jimin.

"Because," jimin choked on tears, "why hasn't he shown up to take us home?"

Jimin was now full on crying. Jin hugged him with a big bear hug.

"It will be alright Jimin."

Will Namjoon tell Jin the fate of their father?


Hello once again. 😊
Thank you for reading.

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